Humo House, Futrono, Chile

智利富特羅諾 雲煙之家

Iván Bravo architects



Humo house located in the south of Chile, in a natural clearing on a long piece of land that ends in a lake. It is flanked by a row of trees on one side and a small stream on the other. This house is an exercise on domestic dichotomies. Starting from a cube of 11m side with two of its faces split in half, the whole project revolves around the articulation of opposing pairs.



 The two larger facades open to distant views of the lake and to the site on ground floor; the two smaller ones are almost entirely blind, sheltering the entrance on the lower corner. All the public areas share one half of the house on an open space of the full height; while intimates ones are distributed on three levels of the other half, just large enough to accommodate the owners and their friends visiting. A a long table made from a fallen larch trunk uses almost all the ground floor space, serving as dining table and kitchen unit. On one side of it the floor is lowered one step to give the necessary height for comfortable cooking while sharing the same surface of diners. 




The clients are a couple who have never lived together. The two master bedrooms are on the first floor, one for her and one for him. The facing doors and the shared corridor allows a degree of intimacy between the two without altering their independence, giving room to that delicate intermediate point where they cohabit separately. On the second floor a study room opens to triple height from above, and the geometry of the house and the big roof gets present by strangling to the very minimum one side of this floor, while quickly opening up to 5 meter on the other side.


Both interior and exterior are clad in raw timber slats stained one by one. The roughness of the material and the different shades of gray gives the house a timeless appearance, blending it with the always foggy mornings that give name to this area. Passing through the house entrance and terrace, and continuing across the stream to a fire pit. Continuing through the trees will lead to a small bay in between the dense vegetation, where you get a first glimpse of the lake. 

主要建築師:伊凡・布拉沃 馬丁・羅哈斯・奧爾蒂斯 胡安‧奧亞尊







影像:馬科斯・澤格斯 BARO




Principal ArchitectsIvan BravoMartín Rojas Ortiz (associate architect)Juan Oyarzún (collaborator architect)

Structural EngineeringPedro Bartolomé

ContractorErik Torres

Character of SpaceResidence

Building Area185

Principal MaterialsWood

LocationFutrono, Chile

PhotosMarcos ZegersBARO

TextIván Bravo architects 

InterviewChloe Su

Iván Bravo architects
Iván Bravo Arquitectos was founded in 2002 by Iván Bravo, architect with a master's degree in photography. The firm focuses on small and medium-scale projects, integrating architecture, contemporary art, and industrial design. Emphasizing detail and material expression, the practice uses constant experimentation with scale models and 1:1 prototypes to explore spatial and constructive possibilities.

The work ranges from houses to installations, characterized by an interest in form and visual abstraction. Their projects aim to maximize the plastic possibilities of common materials through simple geometries and sophisticated construction systems. The current team also includes Juan Oyarzún (collaborator) and Martín Rojas (associate architect), with whom Iván Bravo founded the interdisciplinary project BARO in 2022. The studio's work has been exhibited internationally and published in notable media, with recent accolades including the 2024 Design Vanguard award from Architectural Record.
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