義大利馬切拉塔 木造幼兒園

這座位於義大利 Macerata Sforzacosta 區的小型幼兒園,專為 0 至 6 歲的兒童設計,是當地學校綜合體改造計畫的一部分。面對有限的基地面積與緊湊的施工時間,BDR bureau 以簡潔的建築語彙與建造特性,將挑戰化為設計的機會,創造出一座兼具功能與美感的幼兒學習空間。
Located in the Sforzacosta district of Macerata, Italy, this small preschool is designed for children aged 0 to 6 and forms part of a broader initiative to revitalize a school complex. Confronted with a limited plot size and tight construction timelines, BDR bureau embraced these challenges as opportunities, creating a functional and visually appealing learning space.

The new building takes form as a series of seemingly disjointed solids and voids, unified under a large pitched roof that defines the school’s footprint. This design creates transitional threshold spaces between indoors and outdoors. The three independent volumes—classrooms, offices, and facilities—are arranged to form a sequence of spaces with varying proportions and forms. The porous layout integrates seamlessly with the garden, providing oblique views through the roof’s angular changes and fostering a harmonious relationship with nature.

Transitional spaces within the building are accentuated by architectural features like striking portals, skylights illuminating double-height areas, and a solitary column, all strategically placed to encourage exploration and engagement. These thoughtful details enhance the learning environment, fostering curiosity and interaction among children and educators alike.

The preschool includes welcoming areas for families, children, teachers, and educators, as well as dedicated spaces such as a music workshop, a sensory workshop for exploring smells and tastes, a library, and a communal dining area supported by a fully equipped kitchen.

這座幼兒園屬於 Sforzacosta 學校改造計畫的一部分,源自2022年的競賽,由ABF安德烈·波伽利基金會與當地市政府共同推動,旨在解決該地區教育空間不足的問題。此幼兒園作為整體項目的首階段,後續計畫將進一步翻新小學建築與體育館,打造完整的教育中心。

Design team:(partners) Alberto Bottero.Simona Della Rocca(collaborators)Morena Gagliardi.Alina Salahoru
Construction supervision:Paolo Bianchi
Location:Sforzacosta, Macerata, Central Italy
Gross floor area:530 square meters
Principal Materials:Plaster.Metal casing.Aluminium.Linoleum.Draining concrete.Precast concrete.Aluminium.Selective glass
Principal Structure:Wood
Photo:Federico Farinatti
Their work has been exhibited at the Venice Architecture Biennale: in 2023 in the international section of the Corderie dell’Arsenale, in 2018 at the Italian Pavilion, and in 2016 at the Venice Pavilion. In addition to their professional activities, they teach at the Polytechnic University of Turin and have been invited to give lectures and workshops at various Italian and European universities.