義大利米蘭 聖拉斐爾醫院

The project aims to take care of the patients and the environment. An approach translated in the choice of sustainable and, at the same time, architecturally beautiful and iconic solutions. The so-called "Iceberg," because of its peculiar shape, was created as an extension in the heart of the existing hospital, abandoning the scheme of horizontal squares to rise in height, combining functionality and aesthetics. Characterized by a building envelope entirely clad in glass, the new Surgical and Emergency Centre has a tightly woven façade made up of full-height vertical louvers which perform a dual bioclimatic function. Thanks to the shadows cast on the glazing, these sunshades help to reduce the thermal loads caused by solar radiation, reducing the energy requirements for air conditioning of the interior spaces and, at the same time, increasing the amount of natural light diffused into the rooms through reflection on the ceramic surfaces.
The slight curvature of the elevations makes it possible to differentiate the external view from the patient rooms and improves access to natural light in the central part of the façade. Another characteristic element of the envelope is the large glass surfaces at the corners of the building, where communal living rooms for the patients act as informal meeting places. In winter, these spaces serve as solar greenhouses, reducing the need for heating, while in summer, they are airconditioned to meet the demand for comfort and thermo-hygrometric control. Natural elements - light and greenery - integrated into the design increase the quality of the interior spaces and the well-being of the users. The solutions open visually to the green spaces from both the patient rooms and the offices.

Principal Architects:Mario Cucinella.Marco Dell' Agli.Giulio Desiderio.Michele Olivieri.Emanuele Dionigi.Martina Buccitti.Laura Mancini.Alberto Menozzi.Giuseppe Perrone.Matteo Donini.Lello Fulginiti.Daniele Basso
Structural Engineering:Ballardini Studio di Ingegneria
Contractor:Initnera spa(General contractor).Aza corp Aghito zambonini(Facades).Bouygues E&S InTec Italia S.p.A.(Mechanical installations).Euroimpianti S.p.A.(Electrical installations)
Client:IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele
Principal Materials:glass.full-height vertical louvers with a catalytic coating of titanium dioxide
Location:Milan, Italy
Photos:Duccio Malagamba
Interview:Grace Hung
Text:MCA-Mario Cucinella Architects
主要建築師:馬里奧.庫奇勒亞 馬可.戴爾阿格利 朱利奧.德西德里奧 米歇爾.奧利維耶里 伊曼紐.迪奧尼吉 瑪蒂娜.布奇蒂 勞拉.曼奇尼 阿爾貝托.梅諾齊 朱塞佩.佩羅內 馬泰奧.多尼尼 萊羅.福爾基尼帝 丹尼爾.巴索
施工單位:Initnera spa(總承包商).Aza corp Aghito zambonini(外牆).Bouygues E&S InTec Italia S.p.A.(機械設備).Euroimpianti S.p.A.(電氣設備)
業主:聖拉斐爾醫院 IRCCS