葡萄牙阿連特茹 塞卡爾住宅

In Cercal House time and space are not separate dimensions but rather interdependent. There is the time that corresponds to the cycles of nature, the time of who inhabits the place and there is the space that is shaped and influenced by it. Alentejo – the place where the house is located – is also a challenge. As Miguel Torga says, Alentejo represents "the maximum and the minimum we can aspire to: the wilderness of an infinite dream and the reality of an exhausted soil."
在塞卡爾住宅(Cercal House)中,時間和空間不是各自獨立的維度,而是相互依賴。這裡有隨大自然周期運行的時間,有隨居住者流動的時間,有受它塑造和影響的空間。建築所在地阿連特茹(Alentejo)對這棟住宅也是一項挑戰。如米格爾.托爾加(Miguel Torga)所說,阿連特茹代表著「我們的渴望最大值和最小值:夢想著無邊荒野,面臨著貧土現實。」

The Cercal House is thus a proposal that explores the possibilities of a new time and space in a place also marked and altered by the novelty of the house, wishing ultimately to build a renewed commitment between man and landscape. Located on a terrain whose halfpipe morphology is motivated by a water line that crosses it, the house is implanted in one of the slopes that the river divides, next to the remains of an old construction. The search for the right position and solar orientation, in parallel with a volumetry that searches for a skillful dialogue with the slope and also the pursuit of the best visual horizon, synthesize the main intervention strategy guidelines.

In addition, the project sought to meet other principles of which Atelier Data highlight: Appeal to the traditional house archetype as a structure the carries a solid memory and as a support for new formal manipulations and spatial interpretations; Introduction of patios as light-enhancing element and reflection in the interior, doubling the exterior spaces with a more intimate vocation; Functional program distribution considers the social area as the centre of the house, around which is organized the remaining program of more restricted access.
此外,也希望這個設計案能滿足以下幾點 Data 工作室(Atelier Data)重視的原則:呼應傳統房屋型態,作為可承載深厚記憶的建築,同時支持新建築手法和新空間解讀方式。引入庭院作為強化光線的元素並為室內反光,以較親密的方式雙倍加大戶外空間。安排功能性時以起居區為屋子的中心,其餘較私人的空間圍繞它分布。透過擴展屋頂以及自起居區延伸的平台,並在平台最外緣建造一個水池,加深室內外的連結。

Intensification of the relationship between interior and exterior by extending the roof and projecting a platform that comes from the social area and is topped by a water plan - a tank that builds the platform boundary; Mediation between interior and exterior space through the introduction of a transition space - the porch. This space is reinforced by the introduction of sliding panels that expandor confine the house boundaries and the horizon; The use of local constructive systems and traditional materials reinterpreted in the logic of a contemporary intervention; Prevailing use of white color in walls and floors in contrast to the "Alentejo blue" used in transitory and light elements as the access door to the house.
Principal Architect:Filipe Rodrigues
Structural Engineering:NCREP / DAJ
Character of Space:House
Building Area:250 m²
Location:Cercal, Alentejo, Portugal
Photos:Richard John Seymour
Interview:Rowena Liu
Text:Atelier Data
結構工程:NCREP / DAJ