Red Gulf Current - Wuyuanwan subway station, Xiamen, China

中國廈門 紅色灣流地鐵站

ATENO Internationale Design Co. Ltd|ATENO 天諾國際設計

We define this space not only as a transitional transportation node but also imbue it with narrative and richer expressions. Apart from carrying local expressions, there are also different connections and collisions between people and scenes, resulting in new stories and new cultures.


該案為中國廈門地鐵的五緣灣站,設計團隊受委託對其 號口進行改造。於團隊而言,地鐵站不僅是一個交通樞紐,更是在地文化的展現。因此團隊決定賦予該項目豐富的敘事性和空間表情,旨於彰顯當地色彩,並加強人與人、人與景之間的連結與碰撞,繼而譜寫出全新的故事與都市文化。

The design inspiration comes from the impression of North Fujian Style red brick architecture, using contemporary and dramatic techniques to transform local elements into characteristics of the bay. Thus, there are continuous waves and the form of a red gulf current. The materials used are neither natural stone nor traditional red bricks of ancient houses but a new type of red raw concrete panel. The color is specially formulated, and through the interpretation of the raw concrete panel, it embodies both contemporary and local characteristics. The form and stylistic language are presented in the simplest way possible. If natural stone is used, there are difficulties and challenges from an engineering perspective. The design considers the possibility of cost and process implementation, using 3D modeling technology to modularize both the planar and vertical aspects of the water-clear panel wave form. While allowing for artistic freedom, this also forms a curve pattern. Calculate three types of panels with different specifications and curvatures, making unit installation possible. After the rigid material assembly is completed, it forms a seamless curved surface and curve, presenting an artistic shape.


設計靈感來自當地閩南的傳統紅磚厝,團隊透過現代且具戲劇性的手法,將閩南元素轉換成如海灣般的特徵與元素,打造連綿不斷的紅色波浪意象。考量到成本和工藝施作的可能性,主要建材既非選用天然的石材,亦非傳統的古厝紅磚,而是一種新型的紅色清水模,搭配 3D 模型技術的運用,針對波浪造型的平面與立面進行模組化處理,形塑裡落線條與曲線規律。藉由精密計算,以三種規格與曲度不同的板材拼裝打造如一氣呵成般的曲面和曲線,搭配特別調製的暖紅色彩,與手扶梯的冷冽相互對比,整體散發濃厚藝術氣息。










Principal ArchitectsTroy Sun

Character of SpacePublic Architecture

Building Area471

Principal MaterialRed Fair-faced concrete

LocationXiamen, China

PhotosSicong Sui


ColletorChloe Su

ATENO Internationale Design Co. Ltd|ATENO 天諾國際設計
ATENO 天諾由著名設計師孫建華于1998 年創立,佈局海西地區、長三角、珠三角,下轄香港天諾國際設計顧問、上海九樅天建築設計事務所、廈門天諾設計顧問、深圳天諾建築設計事務所四家公司,是集前期策劃、規劃、建築、室內、景觀乃至產品設計於一體的國內著名設計機構。