Park Hyatt Niseko Hanazono Chapel, Hokkaido, Japan

日本北海道 二世古柏悅婚禮教堂

Nikken Sekkei

Park Hyatt Niseko Hanazono is a year-round luxurious mountain resort located in the pristine heart of Niseko’s Hanazono area that opened in January 2020. Niseko is renowned as an international winter ski resort, and also offers seasonal outdoor activities such as hiking, mountain biking and river rafting in the remainder of the year. The facility’s contemporary chapel reflects Japanese aesthetics, in harmony with the four seasons. The chapel is located in the functional village built around the courtyards, separate from the guestroom facilities.


As in traditional Japanese Noh Theater, the chapel façade faces the front garden pond, with the reflected image enhancing its “floating grand roof” effect. The pond itself features two different areas of depth. The water level can be adjusted, yielding an outdoor seating area suitable for a concert or other outdoor event. The chapel’s floating grand roof is symbolic of traditional Japanese architecture, and helps to achieve the “open” feeling of the interior. At 20m in length, the roof effectively blurs the boundary between indoor and outdoor areas. With a pristine birch forest in the background and ample space between the front garden pond and the backyard, guests can enjoy a quasi-outdoor resort wedding experience along with the seasonal shift in scenery. Warm, elegant and “neutral” in nuance, the chapel has been designed as a multipurpose facility ideal for hosting private dining, buffets, seminars, conferences and concert events. Sliding doors native to traditional Japanese architecture allow for high customizability.


For example, by opening the 10m-long triple sliding doors, the nave (center portion) of the chapel can be extended to the outdoor stage area. Opening the entrance hall’s 4m-wide double sliding doors allows for additional functionality as a foyer, etc. High side lighting between the two pitched roofs, along with stained glass positioned above the gable wall, allow different expressions of light to enter, according to the prevailing climate, season and time of day. Thick steel rods connect the roofs, which are supported by reinforced concrete walls on both ends, leaving a 20m-long unobstructed space underneath. Mechanical and electronic equipment have been kept out of sight in order to enhance the guest experience. Linear lighting fixtures, for example, have been embedded in the roof connecting rods. Ceiling illumination lights, automated spotlights for the wedding aisle, and tall altar-side speakers are camouflaged in identical wall tile color fabric. The air-conditioning system maintains the spatial aesthetic, and features an under-floor chamber suited for cold weather needs. It employs understated window-side air outlet grilles and concealed air-return inlets in the roller blind head box.


作為滑雪勝地而聞名於世的二世古 (Niseko,亦稱新雪谷),亦是一個在春夏秋三季可以盡情享受遠足和漂流等各種戶外活動的度假勝地。2020年1月,於二世古花園地區開業的二世古柏悅酒店,是一家可以全年享受當地自然風光的豪華度假村。主要用於婚禮儀式的Chaple(婚禮教堂)建築需要具備外國遊客所期待的日本元素,以及一年四季都能吸引客人的設計。Chaple(婚禮教堂)棟位於宴會廳區域的一角,遠離酒店客房棟。為了營造出Chaple(婚禮教堂)的特殊氛圍,該棟作為獨立建築,通過外部迴廊與隔著中庭相望的L型宴會廳棟相連。Chaple(婚禮教堂)似浮現於水面的能劇(日本傳統戲劇)舞台一般引人注目,中庭碧水如鏡,由宴會廳棟一側眺望教堂,倒映在水面的大屋頂的漂浮感格外突出。水池(Water feature)分為兩個不同水深的區域,通過調整水池的範圍,使中庭具有空間上的靈活可變性,可用作室外活動空間,亦或是音樂會的觀眾席空間。




日建設計在分解成「八」字的人字形屋頂的縫隙處設置高側窗,在山牆處安裝花窗玻璃,如此一來,照射進室內的自然光會隨著時間的變化改變著內部空間的表情。結構上採用大跨度的大樑架構,兩面通過桿件(36φ)相連的斜屋頂固定在兩端的鋼筋混凝土牆上,長20m、寬12.5m的室內和屋簷下沒有任何垂直結構,形成了一個非常開闊的空間。為了讓人們最大限度地享受被自然環抱的空間魅力,日建設計盡可能地降低了照明、音響和空調等必要設備的存在感。在連接兩面斜屋頂的結構桿件中加入會議用照明燈具以確保照度,並在屋頂的縫隙內安裝了夜間間接照明和照亮紅毯(Virgin Road)的點光源照明。揚聲器安裝在儀式台兩側與牆磚同色的紗綸網(Jersey cross)後面,考慮到寒冷地區的熱負荷,空調系統採用了地板下空調風室、窗側格柵出風口和百葉窗匣的隱藏式回風結構。

Principal Architects: Ado Kagami, Miyuki Chiba, Takako Ishii

Structural Engineering: Nikken Sekkei, Fujita Corporation

Contractor: Fujita Corporation

Character of Space: Chapel

Total Floor Area: 226㎡

Building Area: 283㎡

Principal Materials: Glass, Ceramic Tile, Stainless steel roof, etc.
Principal Structure: Steel, Reinforced Concrete

Location: Niseko, Hokkaido, Japan

Photos: Koji Horiuchi/Shin syashin Koubou

Text: Nikken Sekkei

Collator: Katrina Wong














Nikken Sekkei