MPavilion 10, Melbourne, Australia

澳洲墨爾本 10號亭

Tadao Ando Architect & Associates|安藤忠雄建築師事務所

Conceived and created by Naomi Milgrom AC as an initiative of the Naomi Milgrom Foundation, MPavilion celebrates a decade as the country's cultural laboratory in 2023. Since 2014, the Naomi Milgrom Foundation has invited extraordinary architects from Australia and across the world to design a meeting place for the Queen Victoria Gardens in Melbourne's heart. "I have long admired how Tadao Ando responds to and incorporates the particularity of a place into his design and his belief that architecture can shape a society" said Naomi Milgrom AC.



Ando's design for MPavilion embodies his desire to create a memorable structure that responds directly to the park environment, reflects his signature use of striking geometric interventions in nature and his precise, assured use of concrete. He strives for spatial purity, using the geometry of circles and squares to create a space in harmony with nature.


MPavilion 10 features a large canopy, a 14.4-metre aluminum-clad disc resting on a central concrete column. Two offset squares create two entrances leading to the centre of the pavilion. Concrete walls of varying lengths partially enclose the space, creating a tranquil sanctuary reminiscent of a traditional Japanese walled garden. A long horizontal opening running the length of both the north and south walls frames views of Melbourne's CBD and parklands, linking the city and the lush greenery of Queen Victoria Gardens to the interior of the M Pavilion. The geometric forms and symmetry are reinforced by an internal arrangement that is half paved and half reflecting pool, reflecting the pavilion's canopy, the sky, the city and the surrounding nature.


期望創造能與環境相呼應,且使人留下難忘記憶感受的作品。安藤再度體現其擅長於自然中以幾何作為引渡的設計手法,以俐落的圓與方過渡自然與建築的隔閡,同時搭配純粹的材質語彙,使整體建築與環境達到和諧相處。MPavilion 10以混凝土柱支撐圓盤天篷中心,再以兩個相互偏移的方形創造出入口;內部則以不同尺度的牆體所圍塑,使空間核心成為一處寧靜的避難所,甚至讓人聯想到傳統的日本庭院。水平的長方開口貫穿南北牆,成為內與外相互觀景的視窗,將城市和花園的鬱鬱蔥蔥與館內的孤立寧靜連接起來。內部半鋪砌半倒影的水池再度強化建築的幾何感與對稱性,映照著天篷、天空、城市和周圍的自然景觀,以有限放大無限,持續延伸場域的開闊。

The design began with a desire to create a sense of eternity within Melbourne's garden oasis. Ando wanted to create an experience that would last forever in the hearts of all who visited; Ando hopes that when people visit, they will allow this space to enter their hearts and allow their senses to tune into the light and breeze that interact with them and this space; hoping for an experience of harmony with nature, with themselves and with others.




Principal Architects:Tadao Ando

Executive Architect:Sean Godsell

Structural Engineer:AECOM (Melbourne Office)

Constructor:Kane Constructions Pty Ltd

Principal Material:Concrete.Steel.Aluminium.Bluestone

Building Area:163㎡

Client:Naomi Milgrom Foundation

Location:Melbourne, Australia

Photos:John Gollings

Text:MPavilion.Naomi Milgrom Foundation

Interview:Ana Wang











文字:MPavilion 娜歐蜜.米爾格羅姆基金會


Tadao Ando Architect & Associates|安藤忠雄建築師事務所
1941 年出生於日本大阪,自學建築學,1969 年成立安藤忠雄建築師事務所,主要作品包括光明教堂、普立茲藝術基金會、地中美術館等,榮獲日本建築學會獎(AIJ)、日本藝術學院獎、普立茲克建築獎、國際建築師聯盟(UIA)金獎等國際大獎,1991 年在現代藝術博物館(MoMA)和1993年在蓬皮杜中心舉辦個展。在耶魯大學、哥倫比亞大學和哈佛大學擔任客座教授。1997 年起在東京大學教授2003年起擔任東京大學榮譽教授。