Casa Sabater, Alicante, Spain

西班牙阿利坎特 薩巴特之家

Fran Silvestre Arquitectos

The project arises from its implementation in the environment. The building unfolds through a very clear geometry, deviating from the concept of compact architecture. This strategy, combined with the slim proportion of the construction, allows for an increased perimeter of the dwelling's contact with the exterior, creating a system of courtyards that seems limitless. This geometry navigates around existing large trees and embraces new specimens planted on-site. The architecture is designed between the garden, aiming for a unified living experience. The project adapts to the topography like a terracing, reminiscent of the ascents of some chapels. It's an aggregated system that could be expanded, as it was required by the program of this residence. The main program is divided into three floors. The upper one hosts the nighttime area, oriented to overlook the sea above the tree line. From this floor, an access to the roof of the ground floor allows to enjoy the landscape as a belvedere. Structurally, it functions as a bridge between the garage, which "approaches" the plot boundary, and the communication core, creating a shaded portico inviting entry. It's a closed piece facing the street, providing privacy to the ensemble. The service areas on this floor are illuminated by zenithal light, providing identity to the communication core and the hallway. The ground floor closes to the southwest and opens to the sea, hosting a residence with a complete program, allowing autonomous functionality. The lower floor, below ground level, accommodates auxiliary uses, the pool basin, facilities and a multifunctional space.



Principal ArchitectsFran SilvestreEstefanía Soriano

Structural EngineeringEstructuras Singulares

ContractorConstrucciones Sola

Character of SpaceResidence

Building Area780

Principal MaterialsWoodAluminum

LocationAlicante, Spain

PhotosFernando Guerra

TextFran Silvestre Arquitectos

InterviewAngel Chi


主要建築師:弗蘭.西爾維斯 埃斯特法尼亞.索里亞諾










Fran Silvestre Arquitectos
Fran Silvestre Arquitectos is an architecture and design studio based in Valencia, formed by a multidisciplinary group of professionals, which carries out residential, cultural, corporate and public projects at a national and international level.
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弗蘭.西爾維斯特建築師事務所Fran Silvestre Arquitectos
Piera House, Valencia, Spain西班牙瓦倫西亞 皮拉之家
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