捷克布拉格 馬薩里奇卡大樓
捷克鐵路公司對歷史悠久的馬薩里克火車站進行現代化改造,於鐵軌上方新建一座公共廣場,本案便是與此改造工程相互結合,共同提高通往鐵路站的便利性。此大樓佔地 28,000 平方公尺,包含東區共七層,西區共九層,內部辦公空間以符合 21 世紀的工作模式所設計,滿足該市企業部門持續成長的需求。
The Masarycka building in Prague is defined by circulation routes which will provide access to new civic spaces for the city. The 28,000 sq. m Masarycka office and retail development incorporates seven storeys within its eastern section and nine storeys at its western end. Integrating with Czech Railways' modernisation of the historic Masaryk Railway Station that is creating a new public square partially over the railway tracks, Masarycka's design will enhance accessibility to the railway platforms below and provide new pedestrian routes between Florenc and Hybernska on either side of the station.
本案設計與布拉格舊城區建築相互呼應,被稱為「百座尖塔的黃金城」,其建築立面上的立體鰭片有助於在夏季時遮陽,並將量體的水平構圖轉變為面向舊城標誌尖頂的西立面垂直構圖。馬薩里奇卡大樓目標獲得 LEED 美國綠建築白金認證,採用雙層隔熱外牆,並確保所有工作區和公共空間都能獲得最佳的自然採光。層疊的露台將兩棟建築分隔開來,東側立面上的露台則提供辦公樓樓層連接寬敞戶外的通道;公共屋頂花園則成為將城市美景盡收眼底的最佳場域。通風系統由具餘熱回收系統的高效設備支持,大樓的智慧管理系統亦具備持續監控並調整控制的功能,以降低建築能耗;本項目亦使用雨水回收系統灌溉當地綠植,並將周圍道路改造成綠蔭大道,提供陰涼環境與氣體循環,低流量系統和廢水回收亦進一步減少建築用水量。
Masarycka's design establishes a dialogue with the architecture and urbanism of Prague's Old Town – known as 'the golden city of 100 spires'. Targeting LEED Platinum certification, Masarycka's incorporates a double-insulated façade that ensures optimal natural light at all work areas and communal spaces. A cascade of terraces divides the two façade buildings while similar terracing on the eastern façade gives every office floor direct access to generous outdoor spaces. Communal roof gardens offer panoramic views across the city. Hybrid ventilation is supported by a high-efficiency plant with waste heat recovery systems while the building's smart management systems continually monitor and adjust environmental controls to reduce energy consumption. Planting using local species of plants, shrubs and trees irrigated by Masarycka's rainwater collection system, including the transformation of Na Florenci into a tree-lined avenue, will provide cooling summer shade and natural air purification. Low-flow systems and grey-water recycling will further reduce the centre's water consumption.
Czech Railways' renovation of Masaryk Railway Station adjacent to Masarycka retains the existing historic terminus building and includes the construction of the new public square partially over the tracks giving access to individual platforms and a direct transfer to Prague's metro line B. Transforming the station into a fully accessible, multi-modal transport hub for the city, its modernisation programme extends the current number of tracks from seven to nine and reconstructs all platforms, overhead line equipment and power supply.
主要建築師:札哈.哈蒂 派崔克.舒馬赫
施工單位:吉姆.赫維林 雅庫布.拉斯卡
Principal Architects:Zaha Hadid.Patrik Schumacher
Contractor:Jim Heverin.Jakub Klaska
Building Area:28,000 ㎡
Text:Zaha Hadid Architects
Interview:Ana Wang
Review:Jason Chen