ZGC International Innovation Center, Beijing, China

中國北京 ZGC國際創新中心

MAD 建築師事務所

本案由馬岩松.MAD 建築事務所設計,旨於促進人類、城市和環境三者間的深層連結。設有無障礙的綠色屋頂公園,由樹木、花園和人行道組成,延伸至周圍的花圃和山丘,與城市景觀融為一體。中心量體以仿生形態擴散,似三葉草狀的懸臂式屋頂擁有柔軟、流暢的輪廓,似懸浮在頂上,提供遮陽、避風雨的功能,同時成為社交互動的空間,增強人與建築間的連結。透明的立面幕牆傳達輕盈和流動的意象,呼應建築雕塑式的有機曲線。隱藏式框架系統和大片玻璃促進室內外領域之間的流暢過渡,與周圍環境完美融合。


The ZGC International Innovation Center, designed by Ma Yansong/MAD Architects, fosters a deep connection between humanity, the city, and the environment. It blends into the cityscape with an accessible green roof park, consisting of trees, gardens, walkways, and architectural features that extends the surrounding gardens and hills making it completely disappear when viewed from the surrounding mountains. The center's biomorphic, clover-like form features a cantilevered roof characterized by soft, fluid shapes. The form floats overhead, providing shade from the sun, shelter from the elements, and a space for social interaction, enhancing the connection between people and the architecture.

量體設有兩大巨型天窗,自然光恣意傾灑其中;內部線條簡潔,因期望增強使用者互動而創造了一個開放流通的環境。照明設計包括沿著建築的曲線移動的可調色溫燈,匯聚到中央的發光雕塑,帶來獨特的未來主義氛圍。功能場域則以 字分布,主會場、宴會廳,和多功能廳設置於一樓地面層,為主要活動空間;小型會議室和貴賓休息室位於地下一樓,滿足不同規模和隱私的會議需求。屋頂由 2769 塊氟碳塗層雙曲面蜂窩鋁板組成,以不同密度排列,覆蓋結構並促進雨水收集。夜間更可看見隱藏在百葉窗內的燈光與建築線條並行,創造視覺運動感,並呼應城市的無盡道路。


The transparent façade curtain wall, characterized by its lightness, transparency, and fluidity, follows the organic curves of the building's sculptural form. The concealed framing system and large glass panels encourages a fluid transition between indoor and outdoor realms creating a seamless integration with its surroundings. 


MAD designed a simple interior with clean lines to create open, airy environment for the exchange of innovative ideas. The ZGC International Innovation Center features two giant ETFE membrane skylights, allowing natural light to flood the venue, enhancing the user's experience of space and light. The simplicity of the interior aims to creating user-friendly spaces that enhance social interaction and promote engagement. The integrated lighting design includes adjustable color temperature lights that move along the building's curves. and converge in the central luminary sculpture, creating a unique futuristic environment. characterized by the use of advanced technologies, and a sense of innovation.The functional space is laid out in a zigzag pattern, with the main venue, with banquet hall and multi-function hall on the first floor being the main space for events; and a series of smaller meeting rooms and VIP lounges on the basement level to meet the needs of meetings of different scales and privacy.


The building’s roof is composed of 2,769 fluorocarbon-coated double-curved honeycomb aluminum panels. These panels, arranged in varying patterns of density, that cover the structure and facilitate rainwater collection. At night, lights hidden within the roof louvers synchronize with the roof lines. They create a sense of movement, echoing the endless traffic on the city roads further blending into the urban landscape. The green roof serves as an extension of the nearby gardens and hills, creating a tranquil green landscape within the city.

本案將通風系統隱藏於天花板和綠色屋頂的混凝土之下,使建築外觀乾淨簡約,並於屋頂上使用輕質土壤和低維護植被降低景觀運作成本,同時滿足屋頂荷載以及景觀外觀和品質要求。該中心採用太陽能光電系統和地源熱泵等再生能源,包括中心採用二級能源效率機電設備,目標打造零能耗會議室,將碳排放量減少至 50% 以上。ZGC 國際創新中心的獨特設計使其成為全球科學、技術和文化交流的焦點,既是環境的延伸,亦是城市、社區和公眾的開放交流空間。


Ma Yangsong/MAD Architects’ design for the ZGC International Innovation Center establishes it as a global focal point of scientific, technological, and cultural exchange. It serves as extension of the environment and an open space for the city, community, and public.

主要建築師:MAD 建築師事務所






影像:Arch ExistCreatAR Images.朱雨萌.ChillShine

文字:MAD 建築師事務所



Principal ArchitectsMAD Architects

Character of SpaceConference Center

Building Area64,998

Site Area59,099

Principal MaterialsETFE membraneAluminum panel

LocationBeijing, China

PhotosArch ExistCreatAR ImagesZhu YumengChillShine

TextMAD Architects

InterviewAna Wang

MAD 建築師事務所
MAD 建築事務所(MAD Architects / MAD Studio),是一家位於北京的建築事務所。2004年由馬岩松,早野洋介和黨群創建,在洛杉磯和紐約分別設有辦公室。