西班牙馬德里 伯納烏球場改建計畫

伯納貝烏球場——西班牙足球紀錄保持者皇家馬德里的主場,如今已搖身一變,成為一座創新且多功能的體育館。過去十年,該球場經歷了改建和擴建,原八萬個觀眾席新增將近三千席,容納量大幅擴增,另增設具有 240 個貴賓席和接待休息室的樓層,提供多達 1,600 個額外座位。
It is an authentic legend: the Estadio Santiago Bernabéu, home of Spanish soccer record-holder Real Madrid. The old Bernabéu’s disparate mix of architecture has been transformed into an innovative and versatile multifunctional arena. Over the past decade, the stadium has been remodeled and expanded according to a comprehensive master plan. The stadium’s prior capacity of approximately 80,000 seats will be increased by nearly 3,000 seats. Above the upper tiers, a new level with a total of 240 VIP and hospitality lounges will offer as many as 1,600 additional seats.

2014 年,建築師 von Gerkan, Marg and Partners (gmp)、L35 建築師事務所及 Ribas & Ribas 建築師事務所,共同贏得該體育館的改造競賽首獎。自 1947 年開幕以來,此球場經歷了各種增建和翻新,最終於本次的全新設計中,使場域達到連貫性。量體由連續的外牆包覆,整合各種功能,包含皇家馬德里博物館、餐廳與零售空間。本案除了是球場,亦是景點之一,若無賽事進行時,訪客可藉由「空中步道」觀覽整座球場。
The transformation was carried out without interrupting the soccer schedule. After awarding the commission and following a lengthy planning and approval phase, the client, Real Madrid, appointed the Spanish construction company FCC as general contractor; construction work began in June 2019. Because Real Madrid’s home games during the coronavirus pandemic had to be played in their training center without spectators, work on the construction site was able to proceed uninterrupted for about two years. Upon completion of the roof structure in May 2023, the club’s home games returned to the stadium while construction continued.

The geometry of the outer shell follows the principles of form-finding and form-making, taking into account both functional considerations and a desire to give the stadium a new sculptural form. Curved stainless steel louvers give the Bernabéu a whole new character and emphasize its status as a Madrid landmark. The horizontal gaps between the metal slats allow for natural ventilation of the stadium’s interior. From a distance, the metal structure coalesces into a sparkling jewel that reflects daylight in myriad ways depending on one’s angle of view.

建築設計師:gmp·馮.格康,瑪格及合夥人建築師事務所.L35 Arquitectos建築事務所.里巴斯-里巴斯建築事務所(Ribas & Ribas)
設計(gmp):福爾克溫.瑪格 胡貝特.尼恩霍夫 馬庫斯.菲斯勒
項目負責人(gmp):馬丁·格拉斯 尼古拉.賴希 桑德.特羅斯
設計團隊(Ribas & Ribas):何塞.里巴斯 因瑪.里巴斯 阿德里安娜.里巴斯
設計團隊:馬丁.哈基爾 霍爾格·貝茨 本傑明.摩爾 露絲.古爾德 卡蒂亞.萬格洛娃 彼得.安賽龍 克利斯蒂安.莫赫爾 伊格納西奧.薩拉貝蒂亞 莫妮卡.誇特科夫斯基
實施階段設計團隊:弗洛裡安.阿勒斯 阿納斯塔西婭.阿帕羅諾娃 薩拉.塔伯納.博納斯特雷 米格爾.卡羅 羅伯特.埃森 阿萊西奧.福薩蒂 卡洛斯.戈麥斯 薩拉.拉什 羅蘭.利 普斯 托馬索.米蒂 索南.莫哈納尼 維克多.帕吉奧 阿納斯塔西婭.波波娃 保利諾.波韋達 伊斯蘭.薩比 塞巴斯蒂安.塞法斯 安娜.坦代羅 本尼迪克特.萬內馬赫 馬呂斯.維澤 伊格納西奧.薩拉貝蒂亞
Design:gmp · von Gerkan, Marg and Partners Architects.L35 Arquitectos.Ribas & Ribas Arquitectos
Design for gmp:Volkwin Marg.Hubert Nienhoff.Markus Pfisterer
Project Lead for gmp:Martin Glass.Nikolai Reich.Sander Trost
Design Team for L35:Alejandro Barca.Ernesto Klingenberg.Alejandro Lorca.Tristán López-Chicheri
Design Team for Ribas & Ribas:José Ribas.Inma Ribas.Adriana Ribas
Design Team for gmp:Peter Axelsen.Holger Betz.Ruthie Gould.Martin Hakiel.Monika Kwiatkowski.Christian Möchl.Benjamin Moore.Katya Vangelova.Ignacio Zarrabeitia
Design planning Team for gmp:Florian Alles.Anastasia Appalonova.Sara Taberner Bonastre.Miguel Carro.Robert Essen.Alessio Fossati.Carlos Gomez.Sarah Lash.Roland Lipusz.Tomasso Mitti.Sonam Mohanani.Victor Pageo.Anastasia Popova.Paulino Poveda, Islam Sabee.Sebastian Seyfarth.Ana Tendeiro.Benedikt Wannenmacher.Marius Wiese.Ignacio Zarrabeitia