阿爾巴尼亞地拉那 地拉那金字塔
於阿爾巴尼亞首都的核心地段,一座新文化中心「地拉那金字塔」已正式對外開放。該建築原是為了紀念共產主義獨裁者恩維爾.霍查所建的博物館,如今透過 MVRDV 戲劇性地翻新,該金字塔將既有混凝土結構再利用,並改造為新公園的公共雕塑,而色彩斑斕的箱體散布於建築內外與周邊公園,可作為咖啡館、工作室、新創辦公室、節慶活動等用途使用,透過新空間擴充,讓當地年輕人免費學習各種技術知識。
In the heart of Albania’s capital city, a new kind of cultural hub is now open and accessible to the public. The Pyramid of Tirana, originally built as a museum dedicated to the communist dictator Enver Hoxha, has been dramatically transformed by MVRDV. Reusing the concrete structure, the Pyramid is now an open sculpture in a new park. The park and the sculpture are home to an ensemble of colourful boxes, scattered in and around the original building that now house cafés, studios, workshops, start-up offices, incubators, festivals, and classrooms where Albanian youth will learn various technology subjects for free.
對於多數阿爾巴尼亞人來說,金字塔是戰勝政權的象徵,而 MVRDV 的設計靈感源自當地居民重新使用建築的方式。當獨裁者去世之後,其陳舊的建築結構成為地拉那年輕居民的聚會場地,他們會攀爬傾斜的橫梁,再從上面滑落下來,樂此不疲;如今,改造後的斜坡台階,讓各年齡層的使用者都能到達建築頂端。其中,金字塔西側有內建一座電梯,讓無法爬至頂點的人可以搭乘,而其中一根橫樑保有斜坡,讓人仍可滑行至地面。
For many Albanians the Pyramid is a symbol of victory over the regime, and MVRDV’s design was inspired by the way that they had reclaimed the building. After the death of the dictator, the deteriorating structure had long served as a hangout spot for Tirana’s youth, who would climb the sloping beams and – not without risk – slide back down. Now, steps rise up the sloping sides, allowing people of all ages to climb to the top of the building. On the western side, a lift gives access to the top of the Pyramid for those who can’t climb the steps, while one beam incorporates a sloped section where people can still slide to the bottom.
該金字塔改造項目展示出建築如何適應新時代的需求,同時保留其複雜歷史,並證明悠久的粗獷主義建築是再利用的理想選擇。另外,此計畫也達成幾項由聯合國提出的永續發展目標,與其浪費地拆除既有結構,設計團隊反運用堅固的混凝土外牆因應經濟循環原則。由於在一年之中,建築主要結構多數時間都對 外開放,為此,僅有新增的箱體需要進行人工控溫,以減少耗能。綜觀整體,社會永續發展的概念,推動該建築改造項目,並藉由後續的教學計畫培育下個世代人才。
The transformation of the Pyramid shows how a building can be made suitable for a new era, while at the same time preserving its complex history, and demonstrates that historic brutalist buildings are ideal for reuse. The project also meets a number of the Sustainable Development Goals outlined by the United Nations. Rather than wastefully demolish the structure, its robust concrete shell is adapted along circular economy principles. As the majority of the structure is open to the surroundings for most of the year, only the added boxes housing the educational program need to be climate-controlled, reducing energy consumption. Social sustainability is advanced in the building’s new use, with the educational programme advancing education and preparing the next generation for success.
結構工程:奧雅納 珍宣.麗貝 盧安.穆爾塔吉
Principal Architects:Winy Maas
Structural Engineering:ARUP.Gentian Lipe.Luan Murtaj
Contractor:Fusha shpk
Character of Space:Education.Retail.Culture
Building Area:11,835 ㎡
Principal Materials:Concrete
Location:Tirana, Albania
Photos:Ossip van Duivenbode
Interview:Angel Chi