西班牙吉普斯誇 阿拉拉小屋

The project for this cabin was born from the renovation of an old 20 m2 tool shed located in a natural environment of great value, surrounded by the lush vegetation of Sierra de Aralar (Gipuzkoa). The owners of the hut are a young creative couple who live in the city of Bilbao and are keen on carpentry and other manual work, as well as being passionate about nature and hiking. In this place, they were looking for a retreat space where, in addition to staying overnight, they could find a place of inspiration and work immersed in nature. Although practically none of the elements of the existing construction could be maintained, due to current regulations it was necessary to maintain its size and volumetry. In this way, the project proposes to enhance the simplicity of the original form, a square floor plan with a gabled roof, eliminating all the additions and enhancing the characteristic image of a cabin in the forest.
此案為一間 20 平方公尺的舊工具棚翻修工程,落址於吉普斯誇省,當地的自然環境極佳且植被茂盛。本案業主是一對具有創造力的年輕夫婦,兩人居住於畢爾巴鄂市,熱衷於木工與其他體力勞動,同時也熱愛大自然和徒步旅行。夫婦倆打算在此地建立一個休閒空間,除了可供過夜,亦可使兩人在大自然中一面工作,一面找尋靈感。此次翻修雖無法保留大部分的既有建築元素,但有鑑於現行法規的限制,團隊必須保持原量體大小和體積,因此翻修後的建築延續了原先的簡潔風格,即方形平面和坡屋頂,同時透過移除所有附加元素,強化森林小屋的特色形象。

The new envelope is based on sustainable systems inspired by the building's own environment. The façade is composed of a timber frame with timber panels on the inside, intermediate thermal insulation, breathable waterproof sheeting, and timber board cladding on ventilated battens on the outside. The roof is constructed with a sandwich system of insulation and corrugated sheet metal. In order to achieve a visual contrast with the green of the forest and to achieve greater abstraction of forms, a black color tint has been applied to the entire envelope of the hut. The hut is divided into two halves, of equal size. The first area is a cozy sleeping area with a sitting area and fireplace, creating a warm and comfortable atmosphere. This area incorporates two large windows that connect the interior space with the exterior, allowing a feeling of total contact with the surrounding nature. The other half is dedicated to a carpentry workshop, where wood collected in the forest itself is carved. This space includes a small dry bathing area. A small-scale round window and a large folding door provide light and ventilation. The side opening provides access to the tools and logs needed for workshop work.

Principal Architects:Michael Schimdt.Andrea García Crespo.Andrea Emmanuel Laredo
Character of Space:Shelter
Building Area(㎡):20㎡
Principal Materials:Pine wood
Location:Sierra de Aralar, Gipuzkoa (Spain)
Photos:Erlantz Biderbost
Collator:Chloe Su
主要建築師:邁克爾.施姆特 安德里亞.加西亞.克雷斯波 安德里亞.伊曼紐爾.拉雷多