Community surf lodge, Busua, Ghana

迦納布蘇阿 社區衝浪小屋

DeRoché Strohmayer | 德羅契.斯羅邁爾

Surf Ghana Collective creates a dynamic community space for youth in Busua, a surfing hotspot on Ghana's western coast. The community-run lodge plugs into a network of surf schools and oceanfront lodges. The adapted single-room structure is used flexibly throughout the year and provides the first hangout spot for local youth. For large surf events, the room acts as a classroom and dormitory for visiting surfers. In off-season, the building is rented out to cover running costs.



To improve the existing edifice, a new canopy replaced a leaking roof. The new structure spans over the existing room and creates social spaces above and below. An ocean-facing community terrace on the ground floor is constructed around two preserved Ficus trees. The new rooftop increases the club's small preexisting footprint and provides a respite point that features pillars to hang hammocks, and a new vantage point to observe surf swells. The design uses passive cooling strategies, a double-roof design and cross-ventilation. To reduce the use of cement, the mix-design substituted cement with a readily available laterite, resulting in reduced-carbon concrete. This was used to finish the existing structure's plaster and cast low-maintenance and salt-resistant concrete elements. Local raffia substituted imported formwork. The resulting surface effect integrates into the region's design language, as raffia palms clad many structures in Ghana's Western Region, such as in the Nzulezu stilt village.



Principal Architects:DeRoché Strohmayer

Structural Engineering:Richard Ofori Addo


Character of Space:Community surf lodge

Client:Surf Ghana

Building Area:54 ㎡

Principal Structure:Reduced-carbon reinforced concrete.Remove rafia

Location:Busua, Ghana

Photos:Julien Lanoo

Text:DeRoché Strohmayer

Interview:Grace Hung












DeRoché Strohmayer | 德羅契.斯羅邁爾
DeRoché Strohmayer is an architectural practice based in Accra, New York City, and Vienna. The studio realizes responsive, relevant, and enduring projects that are rooted in their context through the design of meaningful, forward-thinking, and inclusive spaces. Guided by creativity and curiosity, the studio’s projects are often led by research and community-focused engagement.