Three Stories North House, Melbourne, Australia

澳大利亞墨爾本 仨樓以北

Splinter Society Architecture

In its most recent incarnation, Three Stories North is an untraditional family home that embraces its layered history. Working with creative clients, the design approach is informed by their initial belief that beneath its previous renovations the building’s industrial heritage is quite unique. The project’s primary objective is to realise its existing potential rather than replace it with something entirely new.

The design is first and foremost a process of reduction to allow the character of the original building to be the primary feature. A key component of this is to retain and reveal the masonry construction giving the home an undeniable warehouse feel. Many original details such as arched doors and fireplaces are maintained in working order. Where possible the imperfection of the brick walls are celebrated as an indication of their history. At a few points glazing is used to fill gaps in the masonry to clearly delineate what is original and what is new. At the ground level, the original timber ceilings are also exposed.

The considerable internal space is practically indiscernible from the unassuming traditional exterior. The entry is set back from the original façade creating an entry courtyard and allowing a 3-storey glass façade to bring a substantial amount of light into the spaces as well as opening up to a large tree canopy in the streetscape. A large door is fashioned from 140-year-old timber joists repurposed from the demolition.

As a balance to the larger architectural spaces, the living spaces are much more intimate, characterised by subtle colours, texture and plush soft furnishings. Rough sawn timber lines the walls and recycled timber creates joinery adding warmth. Strong black detailing in the new areas create a distinctly modern contrast to the brickwork of the original building while linking to the industrial character.






Principal Architects:Asha Nicholas Chris Stan­ley

Structural Engineering:Structural Bureau

Each floor Area:GF:140㎡

(including Outdoor Areas/DECKS).1F:100㎡.2F:100㎡

Location:Melbourne, Australia

Photos: ©sharyncairns

Interview:Rowena Liu

Text:Splinter Society Architecture

Collator:Sophie Huang


主要建築師: 阿莎.尼古拉斯 克里斯.斯坦利




座落位置: 澳大利雅墨爾本

影像: ©夏恩・凱恩斯

採訪: 劉湘怡

文字: 銳鋒社建築事務所

整理: 黃姿蓉

Splinter Society Architecture
Led by Asha Nicholas and Chris Stan­ley, Splin­ter Soci­ety is a Mel­bourne-based archi­tec­ture and inte­ri­or design stu­dio com­mit­ted to craft­ing cus­tom human envi­ron­ments dis­tin­guished by diverse expe­ri­ences. With an empha­sis on design process, we work to cre­ate dis­tinct­ly tac­tile projects, draw­ing on lay­ered influ­ences. Every project is ground­ed in sol­id prin­ci­ples of func­tion­al­i­ty and envi­ron­men­tal sustainability.

As an office we enjoy explor­ing new ideas as a col­lab­o­ra­tive process with clients, con­sul­tants and crafts­peo­ple. We work close­ly with our clients to extract key ele­ments for per­son­al enjoy­ment in res­i­den­tial projects and fun­da­men­tal brand ideas adding val­ue to spaces for com­mer­cial busi­ness­es. Our work process and capa­bil­i­ties allow us to under­take a diverse range of briefs with a con­sis­tent­ly high capac­i­ty to deliv­er on time, qual­i­ty and bud­get. Our projects include res­i­den­tial, mul­ti ‑res­i­den­tial, hos­pi­tal­i­ty, work­place design, health, tourism and education.

In the spir­it of rec­on­cil­i­a­tion Splin­ter Soci­ety Archi­tec­ture acknowl­edges the Tra­di­tion­al Cus­to­di­ans of the coun­try on the lands in which we prac­tice and reside.