Denver Art Museum Design Galleries and Studio, USA

美國 丹佛藝術博物館設計畫廊和工作室


As part of the larger campus transformation effort, OMA/Shohei Shigematsu have designed 11,500 square-feet of new and renovated galleries within the original footprint of the Gio Ponti-designed Martin Building, for the museum’s collection of architecture and design, as well as a hands-on studio. OMA has designed two inaugural exhibitions taking place two new galleries and featuring over 400 objects. A third space, the Ellen Bruss Design Studio(Studio)is a flexible and interactive space for visitors to explore design as a process, engaging directly with objects and materials and creating new works.


The 7,750-square-foot Design Gallery follows a logic of spatial typologies. An open, central “piazza” is surrounded by perimeter rooms organized in an alternating sequence of rooms and islands. Within the rooms the viewer is surrounded by the displayed objects. Islands and piers place objects centrally, allowing views from multiple vantage points. A modular and flexible catalog of platforms facilitate the inherent diversity of types, sizes and medium of design objects on display. The gallery is capable of being efficiently rotated between different exhibitions through reaggregations of platforms, allowing a permanent exhibition space to be transformed at will. The 1,900-square-foot Mezzanine Gallery draws from Ponti’s use of floating abstract planes to zone the gallery and curation. Display structures, platforms, and signage are reminiscent of the use of shifted volumes in Ponti’s work. Objects are raised and lowered to different heights within logical boundaries creating layers of perspectives. On the ceiling, mirrored surfaces add another layer of horizontal planes that reflect moments of the installation and the people walking through it.


已故的義大利建築師 Gio Ponti 的丹佛藝術博物館內最近有了重大翻新,紐約 OMA 建築事務所於 Gio Ponti 1971 年所設計的馬丁大樓內,進行約 1,068 平方公尺的重塑。本次 OMA 團隊在馬丁大樓內的新建工程,主要包括三個空間設計,兩個開幕展覽空間和一個設計工作室,全新的展覽空間可放置超過 400 件作品,按照設計物品背後的故事和想法來陳列;而設計工作室則重新提供一個靈活、引人入勝的互動場域,讓參觀者可探索設計,並鼓勵來訪者直接使用物體和材料、創作自己的新作品,達到更多互動體驗的可能性。


畫廊入口處由一面彎曲的反光錶面帶入主題空間,與原本建築物形狀相呼應,給人一種流暢輕盈的入口意象,主要的開幕展覽空間約 720 平方公尺,遵循原有框架的邏輯,重新置入相對應的設計概念,一個開放的中央「廣場」,圍環繞著交替排列的空間島嶼,參觀者可分別從多個角度觀看作品,而模組化的平台與講台設計,則產生更靈活的有趣運用,平台底座和講台由膠合板樹脂材料製成,有助於更多元的展覽配置,包括展示的設計對象類型、各種大小媒介作品。展覽空間透過重新塑造、再次結合,將不同的展覽有效地輪換,達到一個永久的展覽空間。約 177 平方公尺的夾層展覽空間,運用「浮動抽象」的平面設計,來劃分畫廊和策展空間。藉由展示空間結構、輕盈隔板和標示牌,來增加空間的機動性,可升高堆疊和降低到不同的高度,提升展覽空間的趣味性。天花板上,置入矩形鏡面設計,反射出裝置作品和人走過的瞬間,增添空間的延展度與想像力。

Partner-in-Charge:Shohei Shigematsu

Project Architect:Daniel Rauchwerger

Team:Philippe Audemard d'Alancon.Marie-Claude Fares.Olivia Haynie.Shary Tawil.Thuy-Trang Trinh.Andres Villar 

Denver Art Museum Curator:Darrin AlfredDirector Of Exhibitions, Strategy And Gallery Design:Jill

DesmondGraphic Design:McGinty Co.

Design Studio Walls, Adg Plywood Platforms:Cinnabar

Mezzanine Gallery Casework And Panels:Astound

Character of Space:Museum.Gallery

Total Area:1,069㎡

Photos:James Florio





設計團隊:菲利普.奧德馬爾.達蘭松 瑪麗.克勞德.法雷斯 奧利維亞.海妮 莎莉.塔維爾 Thuy-Trang Trinh 安德烈斯.比利亞爾




設計工作室牆面、ADG 膠合板平台:Cinnabar



空間面積:1,069 平方公尺

影像:James Florio


Office for Metropolitan Architecture,簡稱為OMA,是荷蘭建築師雷姆.庫哈斯在鹿特丹成立的。1975年創辦,創辦人除雷姆.庫哈斯外,還有 Elia Zenghelis 與 Madelon Vriesendorp 和 Zoe Zenghelis。