西班牙畢爾包 有機煙火 SPARK

SPARK Bilbao transforms traditional and polluting methods of celebration such as fireworks, balloons, drones and confetti into a new sustainable celebration. Through a combination of design and technology, thousands of light sparks made of biodegradable materials are moved silently by the ever-changing wind; inspired by fireflies, flocks of birds and the galaxy of stars. In Bilbao's central park, this dynamic 50 x 30 x 50 metres cloud of SPARK inspires visitors to wonder and reflect on their connection to each other, themselves and nature. SPARK will be exhibited June 1-3, 2022 in Bilbao-Biscay.
Artist Daan Roosegaarde is inherently motivated to transform our fear of the future into curiosity by designing realistic alternatives. During the growing collaboration between Studio Roosegaarde, Draiflessen Collection and The Wellbeing Summit, the artist developed this groundbreaking and enchanting landscape artwork.
SPARK Bilbao invites everyone to become part of the journey to an environmentally-friendly future. With SPARK the interconnectedness between humans and nature is celebrated, and traditions can be maintained in a new way. Moreover, it is a sustainable alternative for community events that want to promote reflection and celebration, such as the Olympics, the Fourth of July, New Year's Eve or other communal celebrations.
“For many people, the current situation feels restrictive, and traditional fireworks are getting prohibited everywhere. SPARK Bilbao is a place of wonder which triggers reflection and shows a new sustainable alternative of celebrating together,” Daan Roosegaarde said.
畢爾包有機煙火 SPARK 將煙火、氣球、無人機和五彩紙片等傳統且污染嚴重的慶祝方式,轉變為一種全新且可持續的項目。通過設計與科技的結合,無數由可生物降解材料製成的火花在瞬息萬變的風中無聲地移動;這靈感來自螢火蟲、鳥群和漫天星河。在畢爾包的中央公園,這片 50 x 30 x 50 米的有機煙火 SPARK 動態雲激發遊客思考和反思彼此之間、自己和自然的聯繫。 SPARK 將於 2022 年 6 月 1 日至 3 日在畢爾包展出。
藝術家丹.羅斯加德用他與生俱來的內在動機,通過設計逼真的替代方案將我們對未來的恐懼轉化為好奇心。在羅斯加德工作室、Draiflessen Collection 博物館和福祉峰會不斷強化的合作中,這位藝術家創作了這項具有開創性且迷人的風景藝術作品。
畢爾包有機煙火 SPARK 邀請每個人加入通往環保的未來旅程中。有機煙火 SPARK 不僅慶祝人類與自然之間的相互聯繫,並以一種新的方式保持傳統慶祝方式。此外,它對於希望促進人們反思和慶祝的社群活動,例如奧運、美國獨立日、跨年夜或其他活動是一種可持續的替代方案。
藝術家丹.羅斯加德表示:「對很多人來說,目前的情況讓人感覺受到了限制,傳統煙火到處都被禁止。畢爾包有機煙火 SPARK 的神奇之處是它引發了人們的反思,並展示了一種全新的且可持續的共同慶祝方式。」

Artist:Daan Roosegaarde
Location:Bilbao, Spain
Photos:Roberto Conte, Jontxu Fernandez, Daan Roosegaarde
Text:Studio Roosegaarde
Collator:Katrina Wong
影像:羅伯托.孔戴 瓊特蘇·費爾南德斯 丹.羅斯加德