奧地利格拉茲 赫伯斯坦宮「回首過往——空間和歷史特展」
The temporary exhibit, "how it was. Space and History," is one piece of a four-part provincial exhibition in the Austrian state of Styria which showcases the region's cultural heritage on the first floor of the History Museum in Graz. The journey through time and space begins with immersive sounds and visuals, animated morphing boundaries accompanied by changing linguistics and dialects. The "black box" circuit, an existing series of hermetically sealed wooden room cells from the 90s ingrained in the historic premises, provides the framework for this exhibition. To invite visitors to participate and perceive history in an unexpected and unpretentious way, four diverse sensory experiences were introduced into the space: shell, structure, floor, and sound. The further one progresses in the 10-room loop, the denser and more complex, scaled, accelerated the experience becomes. The transformation of the neutral shell into an artistically translated landscape, untouched by human hands, was the first step. An infinite landscape loop wraps around the walls (artwork by Eva Stern) and metaphorically depicts the pristine nature humans found on earth, which was then successively modified, reshaped, and transformed.
Traces of these human interventions become legible as gaps in the landscape and wall, also contextualizing the connection between objects within the historical context of the palais. From the cutouts, a spatial wooden structure emerges, referencing material and dimensions of the shell's wooden-frame construction. A single element, rotated on its coordinate axes, is multiplied and proliferated into a three-dimensional space from the floor, wall and ceiling, acting as a display for a myriad of historic maps and scale models. The interplay of structure, objects and gaps in the landscape offers insights and unveils previously hidden layers of historic masonry and housing technology. The adequacy of human action is both challenged and reflected through the lens of penciled graffiti. The sound installation, created and produced by 13&9 Design in collaboration with Severin Su, is a key element of the scenography contributing to the multidimensional visitor experience.
「回首過往—空間和歷史特展」(how it was. Space and History)設展於格拉茲歷史博物館(History Museum in Graz)一樓,充分展現該地區獨特的文化遺產,為奧地利史泰爾馬克邦展覽四部曲之一。這趟時空之旅由沉浸式的聽視覺特效拉開序幕。動畫投射的影像持續變幻,與耳邊各式方言的背景音效相互呼應。「暗房迴廊」(black box)為整個特展的主要結構,串聯延伸的封閉木板空間,將九零年代的歷史痕跡呈現於世人眼前。參訪者在此能用最單純的方式親身參與歷史,透過背板、結構、地面和聲音等四種截然不同的層面,發掘前所未見的過去時光。迴廊總共分為十個區塊,越深入探索,便越能體驗到該展覽的繁複、深刻和壯觀。設展第一步便是將單調的背板添上豐富地景,透過藝術的闡釋展現未經人類破壞的自然樣貌。牆上延綿不斷的地景為伊娃.史坦(Eva Stern)設計。透過隱喻的手法,她刻畫了地球最原始的狀態,並呈現逐漸經人類形塑的景況。
人類活動的痕跡可進一步從地景和背板上的缺口窺知,牆上的文字陳述展品背後的歷史含義。從背板的缺口可以得知展場背後的架構和運用的元素。單一的木材經過翻轉、排列,成為地板、牆面和天花板,也成為展示無數歷史地圖和模型的基礎。場中架構、展品和地景間的空隙互相襯托,展露出過去精湛的石工和建築技藝。人類介入是好是壞這項議題,則透過鉛筆塗鴉得到充分的討論。 13&9 設計工作室和奧地利製作人瑟維林.蘇(Severin Su)攜手創作的音效更是畫龍點睛,為觀展帶來更多層次的體驗。
Project Team:Jörg Kindermann․Martin Lesjak․Anastasija Lesjak․Lisa Nett
Organizers:STEIERMARK SCHAU, Universalmuseum Joanneum
Curator:Ulrich Becker․Walter Feldbacher․Bettina Habsburg-Lothringen
Client:Universalmuseum Joanneum
Wall Art:Eva Stern
Sound Design:Severin SU․13&9 Design
Lighting Consultant:GOL Lichtdesign
Exhibition Location:Graz, Austria
Photos:Paul Ott
Interview:Rowena Liu
Text:INNOCAD architecture
Collator:Grace Hung
設計團隊:約格․金德曼 馬丁․萊斯雅克 阿納斯塔西婭․萊斯雅克 麗莎․奈特
主辦單位:STEIERMARK SCHAU, Universalmuseum Joanneum
策展人:烏爾里希․貝克爾 沃爾特․費爾德巴赫 貝蒂娜․哈布斯堡-洛特林根
業主:環球博物館 喬安妮
聲音設計:塞維林․蘇 13&9 設計
照明顧問:GOL Lichtdesign
文字:INNOCAD 建築事務所