沙烏地阿拉伯吉達 伊斯蘭藝術雙年展
The first edition of the Islamic Arts Biennale brings together a mix of ancient artefacts and contemporary artworks, displayed over 120,000 square meters of exhibition spaces, taking over the SOM-designed Western Hajj Terminal.
第一屆伊斯蘭藝術雙年展匯集了古代文物和當代藝術品,展場面積超過 120,000 平方公尺,佔據了 SOM 設計的朝覲航站樓西邊。
The OMA-designed scenography divides the exhibition space into two complementary parts:
(1) A choreographed trajectory through a sequence of newly built galleries allows visitors a progressive sense of orientation as they move from one room to another. Inspired by the concept of the Qiblah – the direction Muslims face when they pray – the exhibits manifest gradually in a journey from darkness to light, starting in a dimly lit room filled with 17th-century astrolabes – used to calculate the Qiblah – and concluding in the bright space hosting an installation which incorporates the First Saudi Door of the Ka’bah in Makkah, installed during the reign of King Abdul Aziz.
Oma 將展覽空間設計成兩個互補的部分:
(1) 沿著精心設計的軌跡,參觀者循序漸進地穿梭在各新建的畫廊中。由「Qiblah(穆斯林祈禱時的方向)」作為主題發想,展品從黑暗到光亮逐漸顯現。最一開始的房間昏暗,擺設著 17 世紀時用來判別 Qiblah 的星盤;最後的明亮房間裡,其中一個藝術裝置上結合了麥加的第一座天房之門,它被安裝於阿卜杜勒.阿齊茲國王統治期間。
(2) Under the terminal’s canopy, a desert-like landscape alludes to the journey of Hijrah – Prophet Mohamed’s journey from Makkah to Madinah. Slopes and slanted walls of various heights, arranged in relation to the geometry of the existing structure, have been built to display the artworks, creating a sense of exploration throughout the visit. Two freestanding pavilions act as reference points in the open landscape, exhibiting artefacts from Makkah and Madinah. In contrast to the rough atmosphere outside, the exhibits in the two pavilions are embedded in a bright, diaphanous screen wrapping the perimeter of the walls.
Independent from the theme of the Biennale, a separate gallery named AlMadar, or The Orbit, features items from twelve local and international institutions including Kuwait’s Al Sabah Collection of Islamic art, together with an exhibition that pays homage to the Hajj Terminal – both celebrating their 40th anniversary.
名為 AlMadar 或 The Orbit 的畫廊,獨立於雙年展的主題,展出了 12 個當地和國際機構的展品,包括科威特的 Al Sabah 伊斯蘭藝術收藏,以及一個向朝覲航站樓致敬的展覽。這兩者都迎來了 40 週年的紀念日。
Partner-in-Charge: Iyad Alsaka
Associate-in-Charge: Kaveh Dabiri
Principal Architects:Saskia Simon
Team: Anna Bozek.Parinaz Eslami.Luigi Ferretti.Milyausha Garaeva.Benedetta Gatti.Gaetano Giordano.Sarah eI-Harouny.Hans Larsson.Laura Martinelli.Filippo Rispoli.Yushang Zhang
Client:Diriyah Biennale Foundation, Saudi Arabia Ministry of Culture
Area:70,000 ㎡(Interior exhibition space 10,000 ㎡;Landscape and outdoor exhibition space 60,000 ㎡)
Site Area:120,000 ㎡
Location:Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Project Photographer: Marco Cappelletti
Collator:Yit-Ming Liang
團隊:安娜.博澤克 帕里納茲.伊斯拉米
路易吉.費雷蒂 米廖莎.加拉耶娃 貝內黛塔.加蒂 加埃塔諾.佐丹奴 莎拉.哈魯尼 漢斯.拉森 勞拉.馬蒂內利 菲利波.里斯波利 張宇尚(譯名)
空間面積:70,000 平方公尺(室內展覽面積 10,000 公尺;景觀及室外展覽空間 60,000 平方公尺)
基地面積:120,000 平方公尺