The Robert Olnick Pavilion,, New York, USA

美國紐約 羅伯特.奧爾尼克博物館

Alberto Campo Baeza

本案為 MagaZZino 博物館的延伸,以因應本館龐大的參觀人流。新館共有兩層,為鋼筋混凝土結構的直長方形建築,新增的場館主要作為玻璃藏品的展示空間、餐廳及其他展覽其中,主要展區為一座白色立方等向性空間,具有舉辦臨時展覽的功能同時是全館的核心場域


The Robert Olnick Pavilion designed by architects Alberto Campo Baeza and Miguel Quismondo is an extension of the MagaZZino Museum, Nancy Olnick and Giorgio Spanu's Museum of Italian Arte Povera in Cold Spring, New York. The current MagaZZino is a superb building, designed and built by Miguel Quismondo. It has proven to be so resoundingly successful that it has now outgrown its size, which is why the Olnick Spanu family asked us to build this extension. The new Pavilion has two floors and is a straight rectangular parallelepiped-shaped building of reinforced concrete, which will house the Murano glass collection, the cafeteria and more exhibition spaces. Special emphasis is placed on the main exhibit area, which is a white, cubic, isotropic space that will house temporary exhibitions and serve as a focal point of the museum. Isotropic space, as defined by the dictionary, has the same characteristics in all directions and from any point. If we could fly from the centre, the space would be identical in all directions.

主要展區為長寬高皆為 10 公尺的白空間,各角落皆設有一個長寬為 2.1 公尺的開口目的是為了讓陽光能毫無阻礙地照射入內;團隊藉此巧妙長寬設計,將其一開口設於立面與地面的交界作為該館大門;接著於牆壁中央設計一個大小相同的開孔創造出格外顯眼的建築特色,更使光線在此空間運作一目了然。


So in that cubic, white and isotropic space, 10x10x10m, at each corner, we made an opening of 2.10x 2.10 m. so that the sun can enter there at any time of the day. We have chosen 2.10 m. as the size of the opening so that, when located on walls that are in contact with the floor, they have suitable dimensions to serve as doorways. The two holes thus positioned, will be entrance doors to our white and luminous cubic enclosure. Following simple logic, we eliminated the opening corresponding to the floor plane.In addition, we created a particularly interesting feature by drilling a 2.10 x 2.10 m. deep hole in the centre of the wall, so that the entire spatial operation can be understood at a glance.

Principal Architects:Alberto Campo Baeza.Miguel Quismondo, AIA

Project Architect.Project Manager:Jacobo Mingorance

Structural Engineering:Michael P. Carr, P.E.

Location:Cold Springs, NY

Building area:13,000 sq.ft.

Construction Manager : Miguel Quismondo .Jacobo Mingorance

Collaborator:Ignacio Aguirre López.Alejandro Cervilla García.Tommaso Campiotti.Juan Carlos Bragado.Ignacio de Silóniz.Alfonso Guajardo-Fajardo Cruz.María Pérez de Camino Díez.David Vera García.Sara Fernández Trucios.Luca Redaelli.Gloria Saá García.William Mulvihill

MEP Engineers:CES-Consulting Engineering Services Engineers

Lighting Consultant:MAP Design Studio

Cost Consultant:Slocum Construction Consulting, Inc           

Kitchen Consultant:Chef Luca Galli

Collator:Chloe Su

Alberto Campo Baeza
Alberto Campo Baeza is an Emeritus Head Professor of Design in the Madrid School of Architecture, ETSAM, where he has been a tenured Professor for more than 35 years. He has taught at the ETH in Zurich and the EPFL in Lausanne as well as the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, the Kansas State University, the CUA University in Washington, and L’Ecole d’Architecture in Tournai, Belgique. More recently, he has been named Clarkson Chair in Architecture by the Buffalo University, and Walton Critic Speaker at the School of Architecture and Planning of CUA, the Catholic University of America in Washington. In 2018-2019 he has been visiting professor in the School of Architecture of Barcelona, ETSAB. From 2017 to 2020 he was Emeritus Head Professor of Design. In 2021 he teaches as Visiting Professor at the New York Institute of Technology. In 2023 he conducts a postgraduate course at the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando with students from several Spanish universities.