Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden, Netherlands

荷蘭萊登 自然多樣性生物中心

Neutelings Riedijk Architects

Naturalis is the national research institute for biodiversity. The institute's new design forms a sustainable ensemble of existing buildings and new-build, with each activity housed in a specific form. The central atrium connects the various parts of the institute: the existing offices and depots with the newly built museum and laboratories. The design of the atrium consists of a three-dimensional concrete structure in the form of interlocking molecules as a lace of ovals, triangles and hexagons.


自然生物多樣性中心(Naturalis Biodiversity Center)是一間國家級研究機構。該研究中心的新設計結合現有建設與新建物形成永續性建築,每個場館都以獨特形式呈現。建築中庭連結起各個不同機能領域:包含現有辦公室、倉庫、新建博物館以及實驗室。這座中庭的設計蘊藏一座3D混凝土結構,其外型呈現相互鏈結的橢圓形、三角形、六邊形鏤空互鎖分子元素。

The filtered light that enters through the circular windows as a 'glass crown' where scientists, staff, students and families meet, reinforcing the monumentality of the space. Public functions such as the restaurant, the shop and the exhibition hall can be found on the ground floor where passers-by can catch sight of the examinations of the last whales washed ashore. The main staircase leading up to exhibitions resembles a mountain path, becoming narrower at the top with enough space to welcome Trix, the sixty-six million years old T-Rex which has been given pride of place in the Dino Era gallery.


當篩濾光線穿過圓形窗戶彷彿形成「玻璃皇冠」(glass crown)照入科學家、職員、學生和家庭聚集場域,強化了此空間的紀念性。餐廳、商店、展覽館等公共空間位於地面樓層,從這裡經過可瞥見工作人員正在檢視最近被沖上岸的一批鯨魚。透過形似山路的主樓梯可通往各展館,樓梯在上端變得較窄,但仍有足夠空間迎接「恐龍時代館」的鎮館之寶Trix,一隻6,600萬年前的暴龍。

The exterior of exhibition halls with stone blocks in horizontal layers mimics a geological structure. Its travertine variety of stone used has developed natural crystals over the span of eons, creating a beautiful sparkle. The layers of stones are interrupted by friezes of white, concrete elements designed by a famous Dutch fashion designer Iris van Herpen. Invited by Neutelings Riedijk Architects, she designed a total of 263 panels, inspired by the natural shapes of the collection which seem to be smooth as silk, thanks to a special technique developed for Naturalis. Inside the museum, Dutch designer Tord Boontje known for his lighting, furniture and fabrics with exquisite floral and animal motifs, shows almost 100 striking and colorful wall panels. They are visual stories that blend photography and drawing to reveal the wonders of the natural world.


展館外牆模仿地質結構,設計為水平排列的石塊層。牆上採用的石灰石歷經久遠時間後發展出天然的水晶,創造了美麗光彩。石層中間插入白色混凝土裝飾,是由著名荷蘭時裝設計師艾莉絲.凡.哈彭(Iris van Herpen)設計。在紐特林斯.雷迪克建築事務所(Neutelings Riedijk Architecten)邀約下,她以展品自然形狀為靈感,設計了263塊面板,並採用自然生物多樣性中心開發的特殊技術,使牆面看起來如絲綢一般光滑。在博物館內,荷蘭設計師托德.彭提耶(Tord Boontje)將精美花卉和動物圖案融入燈光、傢俱和布料設計,聞名地展示了近百面絢麗吸睛的彩色牆板。在這一面面影像故事書中,結合攝影和繪畫,展現自然界的奇蹟。

Principal Architects:Michiel Riedijk.
Willem Jan Neutelings
Structural Engineering:Aronsohn Raadgevende Ingenieurs
Contractor:J.P. van Eesteren
Character of Space:Biodiversity Center
Client:Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Building Area:38,000 m²
Principal Materials:Natural Crystals.White Concrete.Panels
Principal Structure:Concrete
Location:Leiden, Netherlands
Interview:Rowena Liu
Photos:Scagliola Brakkee Fotografie
Text:Neutelings Riedijk Architecten
Collator:Finn Ho

主要建築師:米希爾.雷迪克 威廉.珍.紐特林斯
結構工程:Aronsohn Raadgevende Ingenieurs
施工單位:J.P. van Eesteren

Neutelings Riedijk Architects
Neutelings Riedijk Architects 是一家領先的國際建築事務所,總部位於荷蘭鹿特丹。該辦公室堅定地致力於卓越的設計:透過將強大而創新的概念發展成清晰的建築形式,實現高品質、永續性的建築。