Hill Country Wine Cave, Texas, United States

美國德克薩斯州 希爾鄉村葡萄酒莊洞穴酒窖

Clayton Korte|克萊頓.科爾特

Located at the eastern edge of the Texas Hill Country, this private wine cave is a stealth destination along a secluded river bend, within a short stroll from ranch amenities. This project was designed under the pretense of an existing excavated cave in the north face of a solid limestone hillside. The unassuming exterior entry court reveals a bit of mystery as it provides just a glimpse of what lies within. With dimensional constraints already established, the challenge was to safely and beautifully design a wine cellar and lounge within the excavation, recognizing that the existing cave was neither water tight nor necessarily created for this intent.



The sense of prospect and refuge as at the entry and within the cave is a central tenant of the design. It maintains the sense of subterranean occupation without the overwhelming environmental conditions that would make one seek to leave. In this way, the cave can be appreciated from the safety of the interior space in the same way the stars can be appreciated from the relative safety of Earth.




Simple, yet rich, domestic materials were chosen for practicality, availability (within 500 miles of the site), and for minimal maintenance. Inside, a study of White Oak, both raw and ebonized, mixes with vertical grain Douglas fir to panel the walls and dropped ceilings as a warm contrast to more rugged concrete and stone that surrounds. Custom insulated and thermally broken steel and wood windows provide separation between the interior and exterior, as well as the entertaining lounge and the chilled cellar. Reclaimed cedar was salvaged and milled for live-edged countertop surfaces for the tasting bar and the floating restroom vanity.


為了兼具實用性以及最低程度的維護,設計師選用簡單卻豐富的家用材料, 如白橡木與垂直紋理的花旗松混合在一起,作為牆壁和吊頂,與周圍更粗獷的混凝土和石頭形成溫暖對比。客製的隔熱和斷熱鋼窗和木窗則提供了內部和外部之間的分離,同時隔絕娛樂休息室和冷藏酒窖。回收的雪松被打撈出來並製成活邊桌,作為品酒吧台和洗手間的盥洗台。

Principal ArchitectsBrian Korte, FAIACamden Greenlee, AIAJosh Nieves

Structural EngineeringSSG Structural Engineers

ContractorMonday Builders

Character of SpaceWine Cellar

Building Area130 m²

Principal MaterialsBoard-formed concreteDouglas firWhite OakReclaimed CedarBlackened steel

Principal StructureReinforced shotcreteBoard formed concrete

LocationTexas, United States

PhotosCasey Dunn

TextClayton Korte

InterviewGrace Hung



卡姆登.格林利(AIA) 喬什.尼維斯

結構工程:SSG 結構工程




主要材料:板成型混凝土.花旗松木材.白橡木材. 再生雪松材.黑鋼






Clayton Korte|克萊頓.科爾特
Clayton Korte成立於 1983 年,最初是一家小型建築事務所,如今已發展成為一家提供室內設計和品牌服務的公司,在奧斯汀和聖安東尼奧設有事務所。