義大利米蘭 風景上的研究項目

自 2022 年 6 月起,藝術家愛德華多.特雷索迪在義大利米蘭的卡爾納特農田中,默默進行一項與有關風景的研究項目,旨在建構一座由鐵絲網製成的雕塑,並在未來幾年觀察作品被大自然吸收的過程。
Since June 2022, the agricultural field - in Carnate (Milan), Italy - has been hosting a research project on the landscape carried out by the artist Edoardo Tresoldi: a wire mesh sculpture whose process of absorption by nature will be the subject of observation in the years to come.

The artwork opens to further reflections on the evolution of the landscape elements, between human gestures and natural re-appropriation. In fact, the closed perimeter of the sculpture hosts a portion of land in which vegetation and fauna can grow spontaneously and the transparency of the wire mesh will allow an open dialogue with the natural phenomena of the place.

“Over the time I have carried out a research on the observation of nature that reclaims abandoned buildings; I observed the Lombard small rural architectures as they die, decompose and disappear, proudly and uniquely becoming shrubs. The work represents a further step in this investigation on the territory: it is an experiment made of time; an architectural gesture intentionally abandoned so that nature redefines its identity and essence.”
- Tresoldi.

Principal Architects: Edoardo Tresoldi
Principal Materials:Iron Wire
Location:Milan, Italy
Collator:Casper Siu