中國上海 青丘和白崖
Under the undulating blue hills, there’s our “swaying world”.
在銅堡水池和紅磚大廠房之間有一條細細的水線,若沿著它便能追踪到源頭,藏在EKA天物園區最北側,改建自有頂棚的堆料場以及值班室的「青丘和白崖」。 是設計師為該區所策劃的 7 個點位之一,期望透過它們的逐次開放形成活化園區的PLOT。 作為園區焦點的銅堡背後有著一條細細的線牽引。 銅堡和青丘白崖就是一組系列,7 個點位中的兩個。
There is a slender water line between the sky pond of the copper blockhouse and the red brick building. If you go along the water line you can trace its source hidden in the northernmost part of the EKA Park, Klein Blue Hills and White Cliff, renovated from a roof-covered stockyard and a duty room. I planned seven locations for the park, hoping that their sequential opening would activate the PLOT of the park. As the focus of the park, there is a thin connecting thread behind the Copper Blockhouse. the Klein Blue Hills and the White Cliff, and the Copper Blockhouse are a family, they are two of the seven locations.
透過象徵、隱喻、神話、魅力、歷史和自發性的想法來構思設計的情節,團隊在選擇結構、材料、場地分析和歷史類型學方面獲得的知識,作為和設計之間的輔助框架。青色在東方象徵活力。這就是為什麼團隊選擇使用青色。青金石中的「青色」是克萊因藍。 此外,與《馬可·波羅遊記》中提到的汗八里的青山連結起來,形容山、宮殿、樹渾然一體。從這種歷史類型中提煉出來,設計師將屋頂設計成起伏的山形,就像一個定居在場地上的帳篷。靈感來自於在重新確認汗巴里克青山時看到的「韃靼人的輪式帳篷」一節。因此,最初設計師將這棟建築命名為「克萊因藍色帳篷」。
I conceived the PLOT through symbols, metaphors, mythology, charms, history, and spontaneous ideas. The knowledge Cyan in the east, symbolizes vitality. This is why I intended to use the color cyan. My judgment is validated by the research in “The Golden Peach of Samarkand”, which confirms that WU Zetian used lapis lazuli to represent the sky. The “cyan” in lapis lazuli is Klein Blue. Furthermore, I connect this to the green mountains in Khanbaliq mentioned in “The Travels of Marco Polo”. He describes the mountains, palaces, and trees are seamlessly integrated. Extracting from this historical type, I designed the roof of the architecture as an undulating mountain shape, resembling a tent settling on the site. The inspiration for this tent came from the section on "Wheeled tents of the Tartars " that I came across when reconfirming the green mountains in Khanbaliq. Thus, initially, I named this building Klein Blue Tent.
Since life is full of unpredictability, I painted the entire interior in white. At the same time, uplifting words are needed to encourage me, and it is the golden gate represents those wonderful memories, while the orange circular window is a blessing. When the curator HE Genxiang shared the photos on social media, someone commented, “Waves.” I said, “Wave-like Hills.” This is the birth of Blue Hills, straightly inspired by life. Under the undulating blue hills, there’s our “swaying world”.
建築面積:330 平方公尺
影像:CreatAR Images
文字:Wutopia Lab
Principal Architects:YU Ting
Contractor:Shanghai Qikufangyun Culture Technology Co., Ltd
Character of Space:Cultural Center
Building Area:330㎡
Principal Materials:Metal Curtain.Fabric Certain.Coloured Concrete.Coating.Glass
Location:Pudong, Shanghai, China
Photos:CreatAR Images
Text:Wutopia Lab
collactor:Ana Wang