Sky Walk, Dolní Morava, Czech Republic

捷克下摩拉瓦 天空步道

Fránek Architects|弗拉內克建築師事務所

A unique 55 meter high building near the cottage Slaměnka at Dolni Morava, Czech Republic.
Sky walk is located very close to the cottage Slaměnka, at the top station of chair lift Sněžn
ík, at an altitude of 1,116 meters above sea level. Its height is 55 meters and the summit can be easily reached along a wooden path with strollers and wheelchairs. More adventurous visitors can use unique 101 m long stainless slider with windows.


該案是位於捷克共和國下摩拉瓦的一座天空步道,位於海拔 1,116 公尺 Sněžník 纜車的頂部車站附近,坐擁 55 公尺高並且以獨特的環形結構豎立於壯麗山景之中。遊客可以從 Marcelka 度假小屋乘坐纜車到達山頂,再沿著獨特的木棧道向上觀景,其結構穩定,即便是嬰兒車和輪椅也可輕鬆到達天空步道的頂端。然而若是更具冒險精神的遊客,則可以選擇經 101 公尺長的不銹鋼滑道至頂端溜下。

You can enjoy the beautiful views of the entire massif of the Králický Sněžník with scenic valley of Morava river, in the distance, then the main ridge of Jeseníky and Krkonoše Mountains. "We have to say that constructing the Sky Walk was a unique experience and that it literally meant a path of courage and self-knowledge to us. So far, we have worked on various challenges and we thought that this one would be like the others, but we soon found out that the Sky Walk was the real thing. We found ourselves in a completely different situation, having to build at a height of 1,185 metres above sea level in a difficult terrain to where all of the materials and equipment had to be transported. Also, the complexity of the man-powered assembly was an issue, given the strict safety rules that had to be followed because the workers moved about the same prominent structures like when the first New York skyscrapers had been built. When looking at this kind of assembly, images of the Empire State Building being built came to mind. It was the first time we had ever seen anything of the sort; it was astonishing and chilling at the same time. Another obstacle we had to face was changeable weather. Down in the valley the sun shone so intensely that you could walk about in just your t-shirt, but up there it was cold with strong gusts of wind that made construction work even more difficult.


由於擁有足以讓人心生畏懼的挺拔高度,在此,遊客可以欣賞到整個山脈的壯觀迷人景色,遠處還有風景秀麗的摩拉瓦河谷,以及耶塞尼克山脈和克爾科諾謝山脈的主山脊。團隊表示,建造此天空步道是一次獨一無二的經歷,如同一條勇氣與自審的道路。起初,他們認為此案能如同面對過去所遇過的其他挑戰一般,一一直面並克服難關。而後才發現此次除了必須在海拔 1185 公尺的極高處建造之外,更由於地形的複雜,所有材料和設備都必須提前運送過來。此外,為必須嚴格遵守安全規定,工人們需要像過去建造紐約摩天大樓時的方式在建築物上移動。既令人震驚,又不寒而慄,並且必須面對多變的天氣,在寒風凜冽的陣陣強風中艱難地完成施工,加上此案的結構複雜性,團隊的協調性便顯得更加重要。在完成了建築師所提出的願景和任務後,無論是在技術角度或從人文角度來看,都使參與團隊感到受益匪淺,為自己成功完成如此困難的任務而感到榮幸。

Principal ArchitectsZdeněk Fránek

ContractorTaros Nova

Character of SpaceLandscape

Principal MaterialConcrete steelTimber

LocationDolní Morava, Czech Republic


TextZaha Hadid Architects (ZHA)

InterviewAna Wang






座落位置:捷克 下摩拉瓦




Fránek Architects|弗拉內克建築師事務所
Born 1961 in Boskovice. After Fránek Architects's studies at Faculty of Architecture VUT in Brno he worked at the Chief Architect Institute in Blansko, establishing his practice Fránek Architects in 1989. He is recently involved in architectural design, publishing and educational activities at home as well as abroad.