埃及紅海省 古納會議和文化中心

The project is ambitious with three major elements: a 600-seat concert hall, a 2,000-seat conference centre and an open-air venue. The programmatic volumes are organized as separate island plazas, surrounded by a protective colonnade and a lagoon.
Implementing passive design strategies was a key element that we’ve considered since the feasibility study for the whole complex. Given the hot Egyptian climate, sun exposure, high wind loads and proximity to the sea, the architecture has been designed to create a shaded perimeter colonnade around the entire plaza, giving it its distinctive character.
這個雄心勃勃的項目有三個主要元素:一個 600 個座位的音樂廳,一個 2000 個座位的會議中心和一個露天場地。這些部分被組織成獨立的島嶼廣場,由一個提供保護性功能的柱廊和一個瀉湖環繞。

The design of the colonnades and their acute arches references the scale and patterns of Moorish and ancient Egyptian architecture, a symbolic approach rooted in the cultural history of the region.
While traditional Islamic arches provided a precedent, the architecture of the plaza has imagined how this typology could be re-invented into a contemporary interpretation that gives special character to this unique piece of public realm. By staggering the columns, a new, bold and textured visual language has emerged within the ceiling of the colonnade.

Wind studies were carried out to determine wind pedestrian comfort and occupancy comfort during the El Gouna Film Festival. These studies informed changes in the terrain and landscape strategies to reduce wind speed. The colonnades are positioned in a staggered way to achieve maximum shading and wind protection on the plaza and future buildings.
The unusual layout of the colonnades caused some technical issues due to the fast pace of the construction. Due to the short construction time, prefabrication system was uesd for the colonnades structure and cladding. The 147 precast columns were fabricated off-site and assembled on site in a record-breaking time. The arches of the Gouna Conference and Culture Centre vary in height, with the taller ones at 20m, to 18m and 16m.
Precast columns were used with a restricted number of typologies to help speed up the process even more without losing the uniqueness of all 3 clusters. A limited number of moulds was reused after each cast to create the colonnades. The large distinctive columns are constructed off site using pre- cast concrete in a steel structural frame. The fine ribbed interior of the colonnade was also pre-cast in glass-fibre reinforced concrete (GRC) and installed on site.
由於施工速度快,柱廊的不尋常佈局造成了一些技術問題。因為工期短,柱廊的結構和包層都採用了預製系統。147 根預製柱在現場外製作,並在現場組裝,時間之短打破了記錄。古納會議文化中心的拱門高度不一,高的有 20 公尺,而低的分別有 18 和 16 公尺。
在該項目中使用的預製柱子類型有限,以幫助加快施工進程,同時不失去所有 3 個組群的獨特性。每次澆鑄後,有限數量的模具被重復使用,以創建柱廊。大型獨特的柱子是在現場外使用預鑄混凝土在鋼結構框架內建造的。柱廊內部的細部也是用玻璃纖維強化混凝土預鑄的,並在現場安裝。

The new lagoon holding nearly 10 million litres of water, is a gravity-based system; supplied from existing wells and connected to the existing river. Rather than relying on mechanical pumps, using the existing natural water system as a source was preferred as an environmental design approach.
The damaging effect of saline water on structures and the public realm needed to be addressed. Maintaining a constant water flow in the lagoon and in the pool was key to avoid the ponding effect and water heating. The edge details of the pool and lagoon were designed in such a way that helped to keep a constant natural flow of the water avoiding the creation of ponds. The edge details also cantilever on the pool by 300mm in order to contain splashes of saline water onto the building and therefore protect the finishes and the structure from erosion.
The overall design approach improves the quality of the outdoor environment whilst providing an arena for a diverse array of public activity. Wide pedestrian bridges stretching over the shallow reflective lagoon provide pedestrian access to the plaza.
必須解決的部分是鹽水對結構和公共領域的破壞性影響。在瀉湖和水池中保持恆定的水流是避免池塘效應和水變熱的關鍵,池子和瀉湖的邊緣處的細節設計有助於保持水的持續自然流動,避免形成池塘效應。邊緣細節還在水池上懸臂 300 毫米,以防止鹽水濺到建築物上,從而保護飾面和結構免受侵蝕。

The instigation for the project was the Client, Samih Sawiris’s passion for all forms of classical and traditional music, and his desire to bring the culture of this artform to El Gouna. The Plaza is an important element of the overall project, providing a permanent venue for a wide range of cultural and sporting events including the El Gouna Film Festival and the PSA International Squash Open, etc. Now fully open, the plaza also provides public space for the community and visitors to the area to enjoy.
該項目的靈感源於客戶 Samih Sawiris 對各種形式的古典和傳統音樂的熱情,以及他希望將這種藝術形式的文化帶到古納。廣場是整個項目的一個重要元素,為各種文化和體育活動提供了一個永久的場所,包括古納電影節和 PSA 國際壁球公開賽等。現在,該廣場已完全開放,也為社區和該地區的遊客提供了享受休閒時光的公共空間。

Architects:Studio Seilern Architects
Structural Engineering: Eckersley O'Calaghan.Dr. Ali Abdel-Rahman
Contractor:Red Sea Construction
Area of Colonnades: 3,093 ㎡
Area of Plazas: 12,452 ㎡
Site Area:51,600 ㎡
Location:Mohamed Ibrahim Kmael Street, El Gouna, Red Sea, Egypt
Photographer:Paul Riddle
Collator:Yit-Ming Liang.Yow-Shiuan Chen
建築師:Studio Seilern Architects
結構工程: Eckersley O'Calaghan.Dr. Ali Abdel-Rahman
施工單位:Red Sea Construction
柱廊面積:3,093 平方公尺
廣場面積:12,452 平方公尺
基地面積:51,600 平方公尺
整理:梁煜鳴 陳祐萱