Link House, Sydney, Australia

澳大利亞雪梨 連結住宅

In its most recent incarnation, Three Stories North is an untraditional family home that embraces its layered history. Working with creative clients, the design approach is informed by their initial belief that beneath its previous renovations the building’s industrial heritage is quite unique. The project’s primary objective is to realise its existing potential rather than replace it with something entirely new.

The design is first and foremost a process of reduction to allow the character of the original building to be the primary feature. A key component of this is to retain and reveal the masonry construction giving the home an undeniable warehouse feel. Many original details such as arched doors and fireplaces are maintained in working order. Where possible the imperfection of the brick walls are celebrated as an indication of their history. At a few points glazing is used to fill gaps in the masonry to clearly delineate what is original and what is new. At the ground level, the original timber ceilings are also exposed.

The considerable internal space is practically indiscernible from the unassuming traditional exterior. The entry is set back from the original façade creating an entry courtyard and allowing a 3-storey glass façade to bring a substantial amount of light into the spaces as well as opening up to a large tree canopy in the streetscape. A large door is fashioned from 140-year-old timber joists repurposed from the demolition.

As a balance to the larger architectural spaces, the living spaces are much more intimate, characterised by subtle colours, texture and plush soft furnishings. Rough sawn timber lines the walls and recycled timber creates joinery adding warmth. Strong black detailing in the new areas create a distinctly modern contrast to the brickwork of the original building while linking to the industrial character.




室內空間的設計大部分和低調的典型外觀融為一體。這棟建築的入口處往內嵌,與原本的牆面形成了一個庭院入口,覆蓋了三層樓的玻璃外牆不僅能讓充足的陽光照進室內,更能讓街景中的巨大的樹冠清晰可見。除此之外,設計團隊還回收利用了一段托梁,將這具有 140 年歷史的木料打造成為門扉。


Principal Architect:Renato D’ettorre

Structural Engineering:D'Ambrosio Consulting Structural Engineers

Contractor:Paul King Pty Ltd

Character of Space:House

Total Floor Area:371 m2

Site Area:1,026 m2

Principal Materials:Concrete.Glass.Natural Stone

Principal Structure:Concrete

Location:Sydney, Australia

Photos:Murray Fredericks

Interview:Rowena Liu

Text:Renato D’ettorre

Collator:Chia Ling Wu



結構工程:D'Ambrosio Consulting Structural Engineers

施工單位:Paul King Pty Ltd











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