FLUGT–Refugee Museum of Denmark, Oksbøl, Denmark

丹麥奧克斯伯爾 FLUGT|丹麥難民博物館


Located at the site of Denmark's largest Refugee camp from World War II, FLUGT, gives avoice and a face to refugees worldwide and captures the universal challenges, emotions, spirit and stories shared by displaced humans. BIG has adapted and extended one of the camp's fewremaining structures – a hospital building – into a 1,600 museum. The former hospital, which is transformed into FLUGT, is comprised of twoelongated buildings. BIG has connected the two buildings architecturally and historically byadding a soft curve-shaped volume. The curve is gently pulled towards the street to create an inviting arrival moment for themuseum visitors. Upon entering, a floor-to-ceiling curved glass wall reveals aview of a sheltered green courtyard and the forest, where the refugee camp used to be. Thecourtyard lets light flow into the entry hall that functions as a lobby or a temporary exhibitionspace for guests to experience before continuing their journey into one of the museum wings.



The exhibition area in the north wing contains gallery spaces organized according to theoriginal flow/circulation in the hospital. While most of the hospital room walls were torn down,some of the inside walls are kept intact and stabilized by three cross sections, creating largerexhibition spaces. The south wing features a flexible conference room, smaller exhibitionspaces, cafe, and back of house functions with the same character and materiality as in thenorth wing: white walls and intersections covered in white painted wood boards oriented according to the angle ceiling line, as well as yellow bricks across the entire museum floor,connecting past and present structures. In addition to preserving and reusing the hospital buildings for historical value, extending thelifespan of the existing structures supports BIG's mission of reducing waste, conservingresources, and creating a smaller carbon footprint as it relates to materials manufacturingand transport. The courtyard designed by BIG Landscape creates a peaceful sensory experience inside themuseum as well as outside. A small mirror pool in the heart of the courtyard reflects the skyabove it. Around the basin, heath planting known from the region emphasizes the identity ofthe area. Visitors leave the museum having experienced a part of an important place inDanish history, with a new perspective on the refugee experience.



Principal ArchitectsBjarke IngelsOle Elkjær-LarsenFinn Nørkjær

Project LeaderFrederik Lyng

Project ArchitectFrederik Skou Jensen

Character of SpaceMuseum

Building Area1,600

Principal StructureCorten steelWoodGlass

LocationOksbøl, Denmark

PhotosRasmus HjortshojDanyu Zeng


InterviewGrace Hung


主要建築師:比亞克.英格爾斯 奧萊.埃克賈爾.拉森 芬恩.諾克耶爾







影像:拉斯穆斯.霍特肖伊 曾丹宇



Bjarke Ingels Group 簡稱為 BIG,是間總部位於丹麥哥本哈根,分公司遍及歐美各地的建築師、設計師和建商集團。 背後的遠見卓識者是 Bjarke Ingels,BIG(Bjarke Ingels Group)的創始人兼創意總監。在荷蘭鹿特丹的OMA 工作後,Bjarke 於2001 年共同創立了 PLOT Architects,隨後於 2005 年成立了 BIG Bjarke Ingels Group。他的「務實烏托邦」理念。 2016 年,他被列入《時代》雜誌年度刊物《時代100人》榜單,該雜誌評選了世界上最有影響力的 100 人。