墨西哥市 山丘公寓

Located on the west side of Mexico City, the architectural program consists of a living area, kitchen area, service area, and two bedrooms with private bathrooms. The west façade of the apartment opens towards the views and sunsets of the forest, offering a constant connection to nature. The proposal is born from the dismantling of the original partitions and walls of the space, creating a new open configuration that is continuous and primarily oriented towards the views of the forest.

A brass and wood console that merges with one of the existing columns and runs longitudinally through the space, articulates and integrates the social area. Its sculptural expression triggers the operative relationship of the space, defining the leading gesture of the project, and becoming the element that houses books, vinyl records, and a space for a turntable.

The oak wood skin that runs through the space embraces the perimeter of the apartment; along its path, it integrates and surrounds the large central granite bar in the kitchen and provides space to hide the refrigerator, pantry, linen closet, and a wine cellar. At the same time, this same skin integrates all doors and entrances to the service areas, creating a visual, warm, and tactile continuity that travels all the way to the master bedroom. The floor and side walls in marble provide the space with a sober and contemporary atmosphere.
The guest bathroom has a unique stony feeling; its floor and walls in green quartzite host a sculpture in green Tikal marble that serves as a washbasin, a piece designed in collaboration with EWE Studio.
客用浴室有著獨特石感;綠石英岩地面與牆壁,烘托與EWE Studio合作設計的瓜地馬拉綠紋大理石洗手台。

Design Team:Ángel Campos, Javier García-Rivera,
Raúl Araiza, Jair Rocha, Viviana Contreras, Madián Alvarado
Character of Space:Apartment
Total Floor Area:300 m²
Building Area:277 m²
Principal Materials:Serrated oak wood veneer, Rochelle gray marble, Emerald green quartzite, Tikal green marble, Tundra gray marble
Location:Lomas de Chapultepec, Mexico City, Mexico
Photos:Fabián Martínez
Text:Esrawe Studio
Collator:Yow-Shiuan Chen
設計團隊:安赫爾・坎波斯 哈維爾・加西亞里維拉
勞爾・阿拉伊扎 賈爾・羅查 薇薇亞娜・孔特雷拉斯
總樓地板面積:300 平方公尺
總建築面積:277 平方公尺
文字:Esrawe Studio
Los diseños de Esrawe comprenden gran variedad de tipologías, desde mobiliario, piezas de edición limitada, interiorismo, arquitectura, instalaciones en el espacio público y museografía. Héctor cree firmemente en la colaboración y en la interacción multidisciplinaria, lo que le ha permitido trabajar con otros estudios de diseño y arquitectura, urbanistas, artistas, curadores y escenógrafos. Este entusiasmo le ha llevado a ser cofundador de EWE, VISSIO y MASA, que tienen como objetivo promover el diseño coleccionable mexicano. También es socio fundador de la marca de perfumes Xinú y de Casa del Agua.
Su trabajo le ha valido reconocimientos internacionales -se encuentra en el Top 100 de Creativos 2021 de la revista AD Alemania- y premios como: Estudio de Diseño de Interiores del Año por Dezeen Awards. Best of Year, Dezeen Award y Azure Award (premio al mérito) 2020 por Tori Tori Santa Fe; el Premio Firenze Entremuros 2019 al Mejor Interiorista de México; Best of Year Award 2019 por el Design Center de Grupo Arca en Guadalajara; AZ Award 2018 por el restaurante El Califa, Jury Prize and People’s Choice en FRAME Awards 2018 por el Pabellón Anual Arca; Wallpaper Design Award 2018 por Xinú e Interior Practice of the Year en World Interior News 2018, entre otros. Su obra está presente en la colección permanente del High Museum of Art de Atlanta, con la banca Centípede y la colección de joyería Vestigios.