Zhuhai Jinwan Civic Art Centre, Zhuhai, China

中國廣東 珠海金灣市民藝術中心

Zaha Hadid Architects|札哈.哈蒂建築師事務所



Designed as a hub of contemporary creativity within one of the world's most dynamic regions, the Zhuhai Jinwan Civic Art Centre Integrating four distinct cultural institutions for the city (a Performing Arts Centre with a 1200-seat Grand Theatre and a 500-retractable-seat multifunctional Black Box theatre; an interactive Science Centre; and an Art Museum) each venue within unique characteristics that create differing visitor experiences. 



 Constructed in concrete, the centre consists of five structurally separate buildings, each with its own self-supporting external steel canopy. Glazed walls facing this courtyard enable visitors to determine the individuality and character of each venue. Supported by only 22 columns, these free-formed steel roof canopies are composed of symmetrical geometries to enable their modular, repetitive structures to be fabricated off-sit. Echoing the chevron patterns of migratory birds flying in formation over southern China, the latticed steel canopies sheltering each venue are configured through repetition, symmetry and scale variation; resulting in a composition of related elements that respond to the different functional requirements of each building. The Grand Theatre's interior continues the composition of the centre's external roof canopy with the location and angle of ceiling panels optimised as sound reflectors. The Art Museum adapts the chevron geometries of the roof to frame the main atrium which provides natural light to the museum while at the same time creating a continuous vertical surface to display artworks.




The centre's landscaping and surrounding lake are targets the natural permeation, storage and re-use of at least 70% of the city's rainwater using aquatic flora and fauna to naturally filter contaminants. Located within the subtropical climate, the double-insulated glazing of the building's envelope is optimized for thermal performance and protected by the latticed roof canopy which incorporates perforated aluminium panels for external solar shading. The perforations within the panels vary in size to allow differing degrees of sunlight within the centre's interior spaces in accordance to their programming requirements, orientation and solar gain. 


Principal ArchitectsZaha Hadid Architects (ZHA)

Structural EngineeringBeijing Institute of Architecture & Design South China Centre

ContractorMCC City Investment Holding

Character of SpaceArt Centre

Building Area51,646

Principal StructureConcreteGlassRecycled steel

LocationZhuhai, China

Photos:©Virgile Simon Bertrand©Seilao Jiong©Yipeng Lyu©CAT-OPTOGRAM STUDIO              

TextZaha Hadid Architects (ZHA)

InterviewAna Wang









影像:維吉爾.西蒙.伯特蘭 張灝 呂毅鵬 CAT-OPTOGRAM工作室



Zaha Hadid Architects|札哈.哈蒂建築師事務所
札哈.哈蒂建築事務所是一家國際建築事務所,於 1980 年由著名建築師札哈·哈蒂成立。該事務所總部設於英國倫敦市克勒肯維爾區,在全球擁有來自 55 個國家的 450 名人員。