Tondo, Brussels, Belgium

比利時布魯塞爾 通多橋

OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen

本案為一座行人天橋,坐落於布魯塞爾市中心,連接著比利時聯邦議會的兩座大樓。整體設計被定義為一項空間元素,以文藝復興時期的圓形繪畫「Tondo」傳統命名,外型如環懸浮於大樓之間,並藉巧妙傾斜角度彌補兩樓層間的 90 公分高度差,亦可供輪椅通行。


Tondo’ is a footbridge that connects two buildings of the Belgian Federal Parliament in the center of Brussels. The bridge was explicitly designed as a spatial element, rather than a technical solution. Named after the tradition of the ‘Tondo’, a circular Renaissance painting, the bridge is shaped like a ring, and suspended between the two buildings. A generous walk around an enclosed outer space is not simply a corridor, but also functions as a meeting space. At the same time, the ‘detour’ allows the height difference of 90cm between the floors of the two buildings to be bridged by means of a single, wheelchair-accessible slope of 4%.



Towards the city, the bridge shows itself as a ‘closed’ element, in the tradition of, for example, the Bridge of Sighs. Coated with mirrored panels, it reflects the 18th-century facade of the Parliament building and its recent addition across the street. Upon closer look, the glazed opening reveals a subtle view of the passages between the two buildings. Structurally, the bridge is a stiff disc, and its floor hangs from the roof with a minimal presence of structure: a near ephemeral pavilion between the buildings.

Principal Architects : OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen

Structural EngineeringBollinger+Grohmann


Character of SpacePedestrian bridge

Total Floor Area110 

Principal MaterialsSteel.Concrete.Glass

Principal StructureSteel

LocationBrussels, Belgium

Photos© Bas Princen

Collator:Chloe Su


主要建築師:OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen




總建築面積:110 ㎡




影像:© Bas Princen


OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen
OFFICE is an architectural practice founded by Kersten Geers (1975) and David Van Severen (1978). Since its establishment in 2002 in Brussels, OFFICE has been committed to the idea of architecture as a cultural undertaking aimed at improving the human environment. To that end, we see the increasingly pressing topics of sustainability, responsible sourcing, or future use, as a catalyst for shaping our urban and social realm, and architectural form as part of the solution. OFFICE is a collaborative practice, bringing together our colleagues, developers and experts from various disciplines, in order to assure quality of every project. The projects are at once pragmatic and innovative, while deeply rooted in diverse architectural histories. In its very essence, our work creates a framework within which life unfolds in all its complexity.