Chengdu Science Fiction Museum, Chengdu, China

中國 成都科幻博物館

Zaha Hadid Architects|札哈.哈蒂建築師事務所

Surrounded by mountain ranges and forests, the capital of Sichuan province in Southwest China, Chengdu has grown to over 20 million residents as an important center of scientific innovation and research, also country's leading incubator of science fiction writing. At the core of Jingrong Lake the new Chengdu Science Fiction Museum is within the Science & Innovation New City of Chengdu’s Pidu District. Integrating with the natural landscapes along the lakeshore, the museum’s design defines nodes of activity connected by pedestrian routes that extend from the city through the surrounding parkland into the heart of the building; creating a journey of discovery that weaves between indoor and outdoor plazas at multiple levels to link the museum’s exhibition galleries, educational facilities, cafes and other amenities.



Surrounded by mountain ranges and forests, the capital of Sichuan province in Southwest China, Chengdu has grown to over 20 million residents as an important center of scientific innovation and research, also country's leading incubator of science fiction writing. At the core of Jingrong Lake the new Chengdu Science Fiction Museum is within the Science & Innovation New City of Chengdu’s Pidu District. Integrating with the natural landscapes along the lakeshore, the museum’s design defines nodes of activity connected by pedestrian routes that extend from the city through the surrounding parkland into the heart of the building; creating a journey of discovery that weaves between indoor and outdoor plazas at multiple levels to link the museum’s exhibition galleries, educational facilities, cafes and other amenities.



Showcasing the city’s contribution to the genre’s evolution and popularity around the world, the new Chengdu Science Fiction Museum has opened by hosting the World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon) and Hugo Awards, the first time the events have been held in China. Connecting the past, present and future, the Chengdu Science Fiction Museum will be a centre of inspiration and innovation for the city.



Principal Architects:Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA)

Structural Engineering:China South West Architecture Design Institute

Contractor:China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Group

Character of Space:Museum

Building Area:59,000㎡

Principal Structure:

Location:Chengdu, China

Photos:Arch-Exist, Lan Dongjie                     

Text:Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA)

Interview:Ana Wang








影像:Arch-Exist, Lan Dongjie   



Zaha Hadid Architects|札哈.哈蒂建築師事務所
札哈.哈蒂建築事務所是一家國際建築事務所,於 1980 年由著名建築師札哈·哈蒂成立。該事務所總部設於英國倫敦市克勒肯維爾區,在全球擁有來自 55 個國家的 450 名人員。