烏拉圭馬爾多納多 花朵兒童學習中心

本案為一座佔地 3,200 平方英尺的兒童學習中心,位於一家非營利文化俱樂部內,旨於創造一個結合自然、科技與藝術的社區空間,其布局俯瞰彷彿花朵輪廓,因而得名。
La Flor is a 3,200-square-foot children's learning center located within Portal Bosque, a nonprofit cultural club in La Barra, Maldonado, Uruguay. The design was conceived by architects Pedro Livni and Rafael Solano of livni+, in collaboration with Diego Arraigada. This project is part of a broader initiative to create a community space that integrates nature, technology, and the arts.

團隊著致力打造一個具實用性且周遭森林和諧共存的建築,以一個大型中央廣場為全案基礎,利用輻射型布局規畫出七座圓形吊艙,分別專用於特定課程,包含製作實驗室、音樂室、圖書館、藝術手工工作室、視聽空間、兒童洗手間,以及供教師使用的小廚房和洗手間。所有空間可同時進行利用,各可容納 10 到 15 名兒童,中央廣場則可提供 50 人活動。
The architectural approach for La Flor was centered on creating a structure that is both functional and harmonious with its forested surroundings. The building's footprint is based on a large central square from which seven circular pods radiate. Each pod is dedicated to a specific program: a fabrication lab, music room, library, arts-and-crafts studio, audiovisual space, children's restroom, and a small kitchen plus restroom for teachers. These pods are designed to be used simultaneously, accommodating 10 to 15 children each, with the central square capable of hosting up to 50 people for communal activities.

The structure's materiality was carefully chosen to reflect its natural setting. A wood frame provides the structural support, while the main square is enclosed with clear glass walls, offering uninterrupted views of the surrounding forest. This transparency enhances the connection between the interior spaces and the natural environment. The pods, in contrast, are clad in translucent polycarbonate, which diffuses natural light and creates a focused, inward-facing environment conducive to concentration and creativity.

該案建築師自 1960 年代源於日本的「代謝運動」中汲取靈感,其理念是利用可拆換的模塊建造量體,利用模塊的機動性造就建築的動態更新。本案中,團隊憑藉中央核心與模組化、特定程式插件的概念,幾經調整以符合學習環境所需,藉此手法為場域帶來彈性和適應性,確保空間能夠隨著教育需求的變化而不斷演變。
In terms of design philosophy, the architects drew inspiration from the Japanese Metabolist movement of the 1960s. The concept of a central core with modular, program-specific plug-ins was adapted to suit the needs of a learning environment. This arrangement allows for flexibility and future adaptability, ensuring that the space can evolve as educational needs change.

Principal Architects:
Diego Arraigada Arquitectos (Argentina) - Diego Arraigada (principal) Francisco Falabella (project manager) Sofía Rothman.Nicolás Alvarez Saby.Paula Pasquinelli.Manuel Ventura,
livni+ (Uruguay) - Pedro Livni (principal).Rafael Solano Ferrari (associate architect).Diamela Meyer, Serrana Lluch, Valentin Eyheralde (design team).Lorenzo Preve, (construction coordination)
Engineering:Magnone Pollio (structural).Estudio Hofstadter-Fregosi (structural, lighting).Dica & Asociados (sanitary).Asuan (conditioning)
Contractor:Sureste Construcciones
Character of Space:Children’s learning center
Total Floor Areaa:300 ㎡
Building Area(㎡):300 ㎡
Principal Materials: Polycarbonate.Aluminum.Glass
Principal Structure:Wood
Location:Manantiales, Maldonado, Uruguay
Photos:Marcos Guiponi
Collator:Chloe Su
Associate Professor UTDT Buenos Aires, Argentina