Market Caminha, Caminha, Portugal

葡萄牙卡米尼亞 卡米尼亞市場

Tiago Sousa + Loftspace



The current Caminha market is not integrated into the site nor does it stand out due to its function. Structural problems, theorization, and wear of the coverings, with temporary solutions for the wear of the roof, raise problems in complying with the program, accessibility, hygiene, and fire safety regulations. The architects therefore consider demolishing the entire building the most economical and viable option. The new market arises from the analysis of the site and function. It fits into the location with a strong dialogue with the natural and urban landscape, but never neglects the importance of the town's existing flows.



The site portrays an urban void, with different confrontations: the urban fabric to the east, the empty market to the south, and the Minho riverfront to the west. The public's interest is captured by its homogeneous, rational, and serene form, as well as by the materialization of color and light. With a parallelepipedal volume and straight lines, the volume appears surrounded by a rigid structure of pillars, composing an external gallery of "protection" for users. The movement is created by the games of light/dark and light/shadow, giving different perspectives on volume throughout the day.


The entire volume is made of concrete. Resistant, with a "strength", functional, or "cold" character, it is contrasted by the Molianos stone cladding, yellow, noble, and "warm" on the base. A simple volume with transparent planes that invite the user to enter or, when inside, to enjoy the view. The interior of the building is covered with washable and waterproof epoxy paint up to the height of the openings (two and a half meters) on all interior walls, allowing for effective hygiene. This visual line created by the exchange of materials is evident throughout the volume, both outside and inside, thus creating a feeling of elegance and lightness.



The interior space is organized into three sections: one to the south with shops with exterior and interior access and sanitary facilities, a central public area, a fish and fruit market, and a technical and restricted area to the north. The northern, technical section is made up of changing rooms, an area with (individual) cold rooms, administrative space, and an outdoor space for waste. The latter, physically separated from the others, is accessible via an independent route. The staff space creates the hinge between public and private. To the south, the front elevation is made up of four autonomous commercial spaces, but all with direct access to the interior of the market and common sanitary facilities. The central space with high ceilings and a "monumental" scale, is deeply bathed in natural light and views of the transparent planes of the elevations, creating an emotional and dynamic scenario typical of the market image and experience.

Principal ArchitectsRui CorreiaTiago Sousa

Structural EngineeringINCASE Lda


Character of SpacePublic Space

Building Area615.26 m2

Principal MaterialsConcrete

Principal StructureConcrete

LocationCaminha, Portugal

PhotoIvo Tavares Studio

TextLoftspaceTiago Sousa

InterviewChloe Su


主要建築師:魯伊.科雷亞 蒂亞戈.索薩

結構工程:INCASE Lda








文字:閣樓空間 蒂亞戈.索薩


Tiago Sousa