義大利羅馬 樹冠的羞澀裝置藝術

The work was born in line with the philosophy of the Festival, as a means of social connection and rediscovery of the historic gardens of the Villa, whose project was developed by Ferdinando de Medici at the end of the 16th century. The installation is identified as a place of transition and contamination between the surrounding environment and the housed life inside; a space that lends itself to hosting artistic and cultural events, suitable for rest, reading and play.

The project develops from a reflection on the relationship among architecture, man and nature. By exploring the essence of architecture itself, it seeks to synthesize through the form those theoretical, aesthetic and practical values valid in the past as well as nowadays.
La timidité des cimes is inserted inside the Carré des vestiges, one of the sixteen gardens that make up the ve- getable maze of Villa Medici in Rome; it is configured, by size and structure, as a basic element of fabric reading and temporary extension of the Villa itself. The cabane, located at the entrance of the garden, takes its proportions through a simple and harmonious geometry based on the golden ratio and is proposed as a threshold. A changing place that can adapt to different uses, where you can experiment with new relational and spatial configurations.

The fifteen modules that compose it follow each other regularly without touching, composing what from above and below is described as a mosaic. The gaps between one module and another establish essential pauses to the understanding of the work. Indeed, the subtle play that is created between clarity and darkness helps to evoke the image of the forest and in particular the phenomenon of the crown shyness. The key to the work is the wooded metaphor of the clearing used by Heidegger. The work and the garden are seen as a single space, alternating between concealment and unveiling: the clearing. A sensory journey that can be like- ned to a walk in the forest, where the trees thicken or lighten, creating suggestive plays of light. The shyness of the treetops reveals itself to the visitor as a chiaroscuro born of the subtle interplay between light and darkness.

主要建築師:愛麗絲.切基尼 羅曼.喬利
影像:POEM工作室 洛倫佐思想 瑪格麗塔.努蒂 丹尼爾.莫拉約利
Principal Architects:Alice Cecchini.Roman Joliy
Structural Engineering:Wooden Houses SRL
Contractor:Wooden Houses SRL
Character of Space:Pavillion.Temple.Hut
Building Area:50 ㎡
Principal Structure:Wood
Principal Materials:Wood
Location:Roma, Italy
Photos:Atelier POEM.lorenza pensa.Margherita Nuti.Daniele Molajoli
Text:Atelier POEM
Interview:Angel Chi