比利時布魯塞爾 通多橋

本案為一座行人天橋,坐落於布魯塞爾市中心,連接著比利時聯邦議會的兩座大樓。整體設計被定義為一項空間元素,以文藝復興時期的圓形繪畫「Tondo」傳統命名,外型如環懸浮於大樓之間,並藉巧妙傾斜角度彌補兩樓層間的 90 公分高度差,亦可供輪椅通行。
‘Tondo’ is a footbridge that connects two buildings of the Belgian Federal Parliament in the center of Brussels. The bridge was explicitly designed as a spatial element, rather than a technical solution. Named after the tradition of the ‘Tondo’, a circular Renaissance painting, the bridge is shaped like a ring, and suspended between the two buildings. A generous walk around an enclosed outer space is not simply a corridor, but also functions as a meeting space. At the same time, the ‘detour’ allows the height difference of 90cm between the floors of the two buildings to be bridged by means of a single, wheelchair-accessible slope of 4%.

Towards the city, the bridge shows itself as a ‘closed’ element, in the tradition of, for example, the Bridge of Sighs. Coated with mirrored panels, it reflects the 18th-century facade of the Parliament building and its recent addition across the street. Upon closer look, the glazed opening reveals a subtle view of the passages between the two buildings. Structurally, the bridge is a stiff disc, and its floor hangs from the roof with a minimal presence of structure: a near ephemeral pavilion between the buildings.

Principal Architects : OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen
Structural Engineering:Bollinger+Grohmann
Character of Space:Pedestrian bridge
Total Floor Area:110 ㎡
Principal Materials:Steel.Concrete.Glass
Principal Structure:Steel
Location:Brussels, Belgium
Photos:© Bas Princen
Collator:Chloe Su
主要建築師:OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen
總建築面積:110 ㎡
影像:© Bas Princen