美國底特律 LANTERN藝文空間
這座建於 1900 年代的前商業麵包店和倉庫,已改建為多功能藝術中心和公共空間,亦是當地兩家非營利組織的全新總部。新建築名為「燈籠(LANTERN)」,由 OMA 操刀進行改造工程,現已開放大眾參觀,整體結合藝廊、工作室、聚會空間和社區零售店等功能,因而瀰漫著生機蓬勃的氣氛。
LANTERN is an adaptive reuse of a former commercial bakery and warehouse to create a new headquarters for two local non-profits, and a vibrant mix of galleries, artist studios, gathering spaces, and community-serving retail. Led by OMA Partner Jason Long, the 22,300-square-foot complex serves as a new home for two local arts non-profits, Signal-Return and PASC (Progressive Arts Studio Collective). It also includes around 5,300 square feet of artist studios, gallery, and 4,000 square feet of creative retail—all centered around a 2,000-square-foot outdoor courtyard that will serve as an accessible community space.
OMA’s approach takes advantage of the building’s current state of disrepair, transforming an area missing both its roof and an end wall into a courtyard at the heart of the building. Defined as the primary entry with multiple frontages for all tenants, the courtyard becomes a public gateway and an activity condenser. Signal-Return and PASC’s diverse programs—art education, production, and gallery—are organized across the existing tripartite site to maximize points of access and potentials for community interface. Production zones and artist studios create an active and inviting face to Amity Street, galleries line the courtyard to reinforce a public heart for the building, and neighborhood-serving functions orchestrated on the opposite side of the courtyard consolidate the most public amenities along Kercheval Avenue.
北棟建築保留既有紅色磚牆,木板門窗計畫性敞開,各工作室內亦加裝窗戶促進通風,藝廊的窗戶更成為藝術玻璃櫥窗,供人駐足欣賞。產品製作區域留有一道寬敞的開口,以此連結室內外環境。該建築南樓由堅固的混凝土磚石構成,因而與紅磚牆形成鮮明對比。比起新增窗戶,團隊選擇在混凝土牆上鑽出 1,353 個孔洞,並填入圓柱形玻璃塊,透過此手法巧妙揭示內部光線映照軌跡,夜晚時分更使量體轉化為一顆熠熠生輝的耀眼燈籠。
Across the North Building, existing bricked or boarded-up doors and windows opened strategically. Operable windows inserted at the studios to allow for ventilation, extruded windows at galleries become art vitrines, and former loading entries create large openings at production spaces offer indoor-outdoor potentials. In contrast, the South Building posed a solid expanse of concrete masonry (CMU). Rather than imposing a new composition of windows, 1,353 holes are drilled into the blank walls and filled with cylindrical glass blocks. This monolithic field of tiny punctures subtly reveals light and movement within and transforms the building into a glowing lantern at night.
Principal Architects:Samuel Biroscak
Team:Yiyao Wang.Cameron Fullmer.Mariana Curti
Executive Architect: Metro Cad Group
Structure: Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc.
MEP: EAM Engineers, Inc.
General Contractor: CIR Group
Interior Designer: M1DTW (Signal-Return interiors)
Location Detroit, Michigan, USA
Photo:John D’Angelo.Jason Keen
Collator:Chloe Su