土耳其科尼亞 Kalyon Karapınar中央控制大樓

The building is located in Karapınar, the only region in Turkey with a desert climate. A 20-square-kilometer area in this region, which has become unsuitable for agriculture but holds significant energy potential due to its desert climate, is designated as an energy specialization area. Kalyon Energy has established a 1,350 MWp solar power plant in this region with the capacity to be the largest solar energy power plant in Europe. The operation of the plant is managed through the Central Control Building.
該中央控制大樓位於土耳其科尼亞,身處當地唯一具有沙漠氣候的地區。儘管該區二十平方公里的範圍內,並不適合農業活動,卻因其特殊的氣候條件而蘊藏巨大的能源潛力,從而指定為生產能源的專業區。為此,Kalyon Karapınar 在該區建立一座 1,350 MWp 的太陽能發電廠,其發電量成為歐洲最大的太陽能發電設施,而工廠的運作需透過中央控制大樓進行管理。

While ensuring meticulous energy usage, the facade design also serves as a significant part of the building's identity. The facade, consisting of two layers, is designed to minimize the radiation falling on the main facade. This secondary facade, which prevents high heat exposures for most of the year, is formed by 7,200 stainless steel panels at four different transparency levels. The facade design is based on parameters such as geographical direction, surrounding space, and optimum light requirements while creating a non-repetitive, unique pattern. Due to its reflective surface, the material changes color, providing a passive kinetic experience in a variety of lighting conditions throughout the day. On cloudy days, the boundaries of the facade become blurred. The facade becomes not only a part of the building but also a part of the sky. As the night falls, the facade turns inside out, contrasting with the experience in daylight and revealing the interiors and courtyard at night.
在確保能源得以謹慎使用的同時,立面設計也是該建築的重要標誌之一。其建物外觀由兩層立面組成,旨在最大限度地減少主外牆上的輻射。其中,第二層幕牆由 7,200 片不鏽鋼板構築而成,透過四種透明度不一的板材,防止建物經常暴露於高溫之中。此外,立面依據地理方位、周圍環境和最佳光線等因素,可創造出不重複的獨特圖案;其具反光效果的材質,更能隨著全天不同日照條件改變顏色。綜觀整體,立面不僅是建築的元素,亦是天空的一部分。在陰天,建物會與融入周遭景色;當夜幕降臨,立面則會顯現大樓內部和庭園景象,與白天的體驗成鮮明對比。

主要建築師:耶爾馬茲‧比爾金 卡納爾.比爾金
Principal Architects:Begüm Yılmaz Bilgin.Caner Bilgin
Structural Engineering:Attec Design
Contractor:Kalyon Construction
Character of Space:Office
Building Area:3,278 ㎡
Principal Materials:stainless steel.glass.terrazzo
Principal Structure:reinforced concrete.steel
Location:Konya, Turkey
Photos:Egemen Karakaya
Text:Bilgin Architects
Interview:Angel Chi