中國長春市 砼殿

"Beneath your feet, lies the roof of another profound world."―UNDERLAND:A Deep Time Journey
The concrete palace designed by Wutopia Lab, namely The Eye of The Museum of the Palace Museum of the Manchurian Regime (Changchun), which is the first decorative fair-faced concrete building in Jilin Province, the largest fair-faced concrete building in Northeastern China, and the largest thin-shell large-span earth-sheltered swept surface underground building in China, was officially completed and inaugurated on May 18, 2023, International Museum Day, after six years of design and construction.
由 Wutopia Lab 所設計的砼殿,即偽滿皇宮博物院(長春)之博物館之眼藝術宮,是吉林第一座飾面清水混凝土建築,東三省最大的清水混凝土建築,也是中國最大的雙曲面異形薄殼大跨覆土地下建築,經過6年的設計與施工於 2023 年 5 月 18 日國際博物館日正式落成啟用。

The palace of the Manchurian Regime doesn't occupy much area, so much so that it gives me an impression of a transitional palace. However, its construction exhibits meticulous attention to detail, as the grand roofs harmoniously merge Western classical elements with restrained yet exquisite ornamentations. Standing at the northeastern corner of the palace, the white Museum of the History of Northeast China Under Japanese Occupation, designed by Master Qi Kang, features a gently sloping roof that bows beneath the palace's principal ridge.

My rationale for selecting fair-faced concrete is straightforward - its inherent industrial character. However, my comprehension and portrayal of fair-faced concrete pale in comparison to those of Mr. LIU Yichun and Mr. DONG Gong. I have made the decision to embark on a journey to the remote 1930s when early expressionism used to prevail, in order to liberate concrete from the confines of orderly molds. Drawing upon my familiarity with steel, I employ it as formwork to shape large-span thin-shell swept surface concrete domes. In response to the concerns raised by project architect Huang He regarding the thickness of the protective coating, which could obscure the meticulously arranged panel joints, visible joints, and tie rod eyelets meticulously visualized through BIM technology, I assured Huang He that it actually possesses considerable merit. Took Eero Saarinen's concrete and Le Corbusier's mortar as examples, joints and eyelets are not something necessary for us to express. The protective coating establishes a transparent boundary on the concrete surface, and in the presence of light, the concrete acquires a radiant halo. As lighting conditions shift, the luminescence within the halo gracefully traverses the curves, unveiling a restrained dynamism. No, it is enchantment. It is an enchanting expressionism.

The project complexity goes beyond expectation, not only because Changchun experiences frozen ground periods, which means that one-third of the construction time cannot be utilized until the structure is topped off, but also due to various unexpected work stoppages during this period. It led me to doubt at one point whether it could be completed. This hidden giant structure requires meticulous construction process organization to achieve its final grand narrative.

The art museum is situated on a razor-shaped site between the Manchurian Regime palace complex and Museum of the History of Northeast China Under Japanese Occupation. There is a vertical differential of 7.2 meters from north to south. The gross building area is 16,650 square meters. The maximum burial depth on the northern side of the art museum reaches 17.67 meters, while at the plaza entrance on the southern side, it is 10.47 meters. The structure comprises two underground levels. The closest distance between the deep foundation pit of the art museum and the original palace walls and fortifications is about 450mm, necessitating the installation of continuous drilled piles and tie rods. Additionally, new anchor rod static pressure piles are required to ensure balance on both sides of the exhibition hall. Moreover, a new underground passage must be constructed to establish connectivity with the basement of the exhibition hall.

The high formwork decorative fair-faced concrete spans over 10,000 square meters. Cables and pipelines required by the museum must be embedded in advance, meeting the requirements for constant temperature and humidity control, wind resistance, hazard mitigation, security, as well as fire safety. The roof of the art museum consists of a 2,000-square-meter plaza for social activities, a parking lot, and a green space.
The continuous roof extends uninterrupted until it abruptly terminates at the southern plaza, where its cross-section forms the imposing facade. The vista in front of the exhibition hall's entrance remains unobstructed, while the southern plaza imparts a sense of the earth being delicately lifted. Nonetheless, visitors would never suspect the existence of a profound underland palace within the crevices of the earth, captivating their hearts and minds.

What fascinates me about museums is that they have transcended beyond mere chronicles and portrayal of human historical achievements. The word "museum" has been given new meanings way deeper than collections of art. Nowadays, museums should delve deeper into the 4.6 billion years history of Earth to search for the true meaning of life and its relativity with time. Different temporal scales give rise to different perspectives on history. This is what I call "Deep Time".
博物館讓人著迷的是,它不局限於考據並展示人類歷史成果,更深刻思考研究生命這個主題以及時間的相對性。不同的時間尺度會帶來不同的歷史觀。這就是Deep time。當設計團隊構想空間的時候,期望利用地下建築這個切入點去表現所謂的「深」。也想用超大尺度讓人失去方向感去改寫我們習慣的直線的時間軸。最後確立了中心是彷彿展翼的雙曲面穹頂,18m×27.5m邊長,16.5m為最高點的結構單元作為空間節點。整個藝術宮有三個彼此聯繫的空間節點,它們是試圖引導觀眾在Deep time作為背景引導下去理解生命,歷史,環境和社會密切關係而得以審視自己未來的發展方向以及生存和生活方式的plot。
I associate the word "introspection" with eyes. Consequently, I made the decision to integrate skylights resembling eyes into thin-shell swept surface domes that gracefully emerge from the ground, guiding the natural light into the underground space. Eyes bear a conspicuous symbolic significance and amplify the role of natural light in shaping the viewers' encounters and interpretations. They serve as a means of guiding viewers towards a contemplation of temporal perspectives within the ephemeral span of their lives.

I conceal the intricate functions of the museum on either side of the main space, emphasizing the purity of the main space, which early evokes the most common perception of time - eternity. However, I have always harbored skepticism towards the concept of eternity. Perhaps, due to the brevity or fragility of our lives, humanity tends to employ vast and solid entities as symbols of eternity, yet this inclination is largely illusory. Within the subterranean natural light, in that fleeting moment of time, amidst the pursuit of the ever-shifting and distant illumination that binds the three spatial nodes, individuals may momentarily experience a semblance of eternity, though in truth it amounts to mere minutes. The multitudes, unrestricted by the confines of place, and their diverse and ever-changing perceptions in disparate moments, embody the essence of eternity. The Deep Palace captures this fleeting eternity within its seemingly immobile material expanse.
影像:CreatAR Images
文字:Wutopia Lab
Principal Architects:Yu Ting.Huang He
Contractor:China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Co.,Ltd.
Character of Space:
Building Area:16,650㎡
Principal Materials:Concrete
Location:Changchun City, China
Photos:CreatAR Images
Text:Wutopia Lab
Collator:Ana Wang