Ilot Queyries, Bordeaux, France

法國波爾多 Ilot Queyries集合住宅


MVRDV has completed construction of Ilot Queyries, a courtyard apartment building providing 282 homes – including 128 for social housing – parking, commercial space, and a rooftop restaurant in an intimate urban setting with plenty of light, air, and a large collective green space. Located to the east of the River Garonne in Bordeaux, across from the city’s UNESCO World Heritage historic centre, the building is part of a new neighbourhood of four buildings masterplanned by MVRDV alongside Joubert Architectur. The result, designed in partnership with local architects Flint, is a large, irregularly shaped courtyard building almost 200 metres long. At 5,200m2, the large courtyard provides a park-like space for the residents; located one storey above ground level, it also hides the residents’ parking below. The building responds to its surroundings on all sides: on the south-eastern end of the building, sections as low as one storey relate to the low-rise neighbours, while on the north-east, facing the river, it rises as high as nine storeys. At this high point, a glass crown houses a restaurant with views of the river and the historic centre of Bordeaux beyond.


MVRDV剛興建完成的Ilot Queyries為環繞庭園的集合式住宅,總戶數達282戶,其中還包含128戶社會住宅。這個舒適的都會空間,生活機能相當健全。停車場、公共空間、頂樓餐廳皆涵蓋在內,還坐擁一大片綠地,採光及通風皆無可挑剃。住宅位於法國波爾多(Bordeaux)加龍河(River Garonne)東側,隔著河就能遙望被聯合國教科文組織列為世界遺產(UNESCO World Heritage)的歷史城區。這項計畫準備藉由興建四棟建築,塑造出一個新興住宅區,而Ilot Queyries就是四棟建築之一。該計畫的總體規劃由MVRDV和儒貝爾建築(Joubert Architecture)共同負責。建築設計與在地設計師弗林特(Flint)攜手合作,打造出全長接近兩百公尺的不規則庭園住宅,相當壯觀。庭園佔地約5,200平方公尺,讓人浮現身處公園的錯覺。整體建築高於地面約一層樓,將停車空間巧妙隱藏於底層。建築設計的各個面向都與周遭環境相互呼應,東南側高度降至只有一層樓高,與周圍矮樓連結;面河的東北側則升至九層樓高。最高樓層設置一家景觀餐廳,玻璃窗環繞的設計,將近處河景及遠處波爾多老城區盡收眼底。

On all sides, the façades facing the street are lower than those facing the central courtyard. In accordance with the rules developed in the Bastide-Niel masterplan, the roof slopes vary between 14 degrees and 45 degrees depending on their relation to the sun. These slopes create complex and interesting interior spaces, which help to define varied apartments in a wide range of sizes – making the building home to many different types of resident, while also giving a unique and homely feel to each living space.


The project’s street-facing façades present a muted, cream-coloured palette, blending in with the surroundings. However, the courtyard-facing façades are finished in a bright red textured stucco. Together with the green courtyard landscape of 83 alder and birch trees and a variety of grasses, this presents a visually exciting environment to complement the liveliness of the park space. At various locations, large portals through the building connect the interior courtyard to the outside, introducing flashes of colour that draw the attention of passers-by and inspire curiosity about the space inside.


所有面街道的那側牆面皆低於面中庭的牆面高度。Ilot Queyries採用與Bastide-Niel總體規劃相同的規定,將屋頂的傾斜角度設計在14度到45度之間,並根據與太陽的相對位置調整。這樣的設計為室內空間創造出複雜、別有風趣的效果,也能有效區分不同大小的空間。這些大小各異的住宅更能切合不同住戶的需求,也能打造出既獨特又溫馨的生活空間。面街一側的牆面以柔和奶油色為主,成功融入周遭景色。面庭園的一側則呈現截然不同的風格,亮紅色的灰泥粉飾牆面與庭園中的綠地及83棵赤楊木、樺木形成強烈對比,與生氣蓬勃的庭園共同打造出視覺上的饗宴。大型出入口貫穿建築各處,成為中庭與外界的連結。行人經過瞥見一絲明亮色彩時,注意力立即被吸引,自然也對內部空間產生好奇。

Founding Partner in charge: Winy Maas

Partner: Bertrand Schippan, Jeroen Zuidgeest

Co - architects: Flint

Landscape Design: Sabine Haristoy

Character of Space:Apartment Building

Each Floor Area:23,000㎡

Photos:© Ossip van Duivenbode

Interview:IW Editorial Department




合夥人:伯特蘭․史基潘   杰羅恩․祖吉斯特





影像:© 奧希普.萬.達文伯格



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