墨西哥米卻肯 拉彼達之家

On a plot of 10 meters wide by 35 meters deep, with a topography with a drop of 3 meters, the house is articulated through patios that emerge from the basement dividing the areas public and private house. The piece, stereotomic, raises its walls wrapping itself in an introspective architecture, where the relationship between the interior and the exterior exists, but is not completely evident.
在一塊寬 10 公尺、深 35 公尺且地勢落差 3 公尺的基地上,該住宅通過地下室的露台串聯起來,並順勢劃分公共區和私人區。此建築以一個封閉內省的空間,讓室內與外部關係保有存在感卻不刻意突顯,形成一座具有豐富立體感的作品。

The project arises from the basement, due to the owners' interest in having a social area so that their children can enjoy convivialities without having to leave the house. The elongated proportion of the land suggested us to ventilate and illuminate through 3 patios. For this reason, we proposed two gardens, one in the back which in turn responds to the restrictions of the subdivision and the other in the center, generating a social area that is surrounded by gardens. The house is divided into two areas, the private one facing the back of the land and the social area in front. On the second level, only one service area was necessary, so the living room, dining room and kitchen are spread out in a double height. In the central patio a large ficus pandurata tree is planted, which grows filling the void whose crown extends and emerges in the living room-kitchen area, providing a piece of exterior nature to the interior of the house.

Principal Architects:Abraham Cota Paredes
Structural Engineering:Cantilever Estructuras
Character of Space:Residence
Each Floor Area:148.62 m² (1F). 93.08 m² (2F).283.30 m² (Basement)
Building Area:525 m²
Principal Structure:Concrete.Steel
Location:Michoacán, México
Photos:César Béjar
Text:Cotaparedes Arquitectos
Interview:Grace Hung
結構工程:Cantilever Estructuras
各階面積:148.62 平方公尺(1F). 93.08 平方公尺(2F).283.30 平方公尺(地下室)
建築面積:525 平方公尺