NIU N70, Spain

西班牙 NIU N70

Fran Silvestre Arquitectos

NIU has set out to introduce construction systems that increase accuracy in the materialization of architectural plans. Set deadlines and costs improve the quality of our human environments, making them healthier and more sustainable. The N70 house is NIU's most compact design; it is ideal for someone who lives alone or for a couple, or for use as a guest house. The spatiality of the N70 is extensive, despite its compact size. By maintaining a direct connection with the landscape, the home breaks the barriers between the interior and exterior, and acquires an even greater sense of spaciousness. The home is divided into day and night-time spaces, oriented around an open concept plan in which the cross-ventilated main area contains the kitchen, which connects to the terrace and swimming pool. However, the swimming pool does not encroach on the bedroom, as the bedroom connects to the opposite garden and thus has a high degree of privacy. This home also makes for an ideal guest house.



Principal Architects:Fran Silvestre.Rosa Juanes.Rubén March.Andrea Baldo.Gino Brollo

Interior Design:Alfaro Hofmann

Character of Space:Residence

Photos:Fernando Guerra.Fran Silvestre Arquitectos

Interview:Rowena Liu

Text:Fran Silvestre Arquitectos


主要建築師:弗蘭.西爾維斯特 羅莎.胡安斯 魯本.馬奇 安德里亞.巴爾多 吉諾.布羅洛



影像:費南多.蓋拉 弗蘭.西爾維斯特建築事務所



Fran Silvestre Arquitectos
Fran Silvestre Arquitectos is an architecture and design studio based in Valencia, formed by a multidisciplinary group of professionals, which carries out residential, cultural, corporate and public projects at a national and international level.
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