Shutter House, Wembley, Wester Australi

西澳大利亞溫布利 格柵窗屋住宅

State of Kin

Shutter House is an imaginative and unique home situated in Wembley, Western Australia. A concrete block structure is wrapped in a secondary timber batten skin, with the locally sourced timber creating a warm and tactile materiality that creates a subtle juxtaposition in external finishes. A mechanical system allows the façade to open and close, creating a sense of enclosure and intimacy whilst still allowing unobstructed views to the adjacent lake. The home cleverly utilizes its sloping site, manipulating the existing topography to achieve connectivity between indoor and outdoor areas. The residence is spread over three levels. The ground floor consists of a six car garage, wine cellar and entry into a spectacular three storey void that connects all levels via a feature staircase. Four bedrooms, three bathrooms, laundry and gallery are situated on the first floor, along with intimate courtyard and balcony spaces adjoining each bedroom. An open plan living, dining and kitchen space on the second floor affords panoramic views of Lake Monger, and connects to a terrace and pool area with separate studio. The State of Kin interiors and architecture team worked simultaneously on Shutter House, with a clear focus on creating a light filled sanctuary that is rich in colour and materiality. A focus on unique and hand-crafted finishes is evident throughout – the hand-seeded terrazzo at ground level and oak parquetry to upper levels accentuate the highly considered palette throughout the home. Exposed concrete ceilings and carefully sourced granite, quartzite and travertine provide robust yet rich surfaces, which are accentuated by flourishes of colour and a curation of playfully sophisticated furniture pieces an d contemporary abstract art. Shutter house is an expression of the designers appreciation of Japanese Architecture through the use of light and detail, and imbued with references to mid-century design that pays homage to the architectural history of its context.


位於西澳溫布利(Wembley, Western Australia)的活動遮板屋(Shutter House)是一棟風格獨具的住宅,設計極具想像力。混凝土砌塊結構外包裹的是次級木板條外牆,當地出產的木材營造出溫暖和實在的質感,在外觀上創造出一種隱約的反差。正面以機械系統開啟與關閉,在營造出一種封閉與隱密感的同時,仍然可以一覽無餘地欣賞相鄰的湖泊。這棟房屋巧妙地利用位於坡地的建築位址,透過操控現有地勢,達到室內和室外區域相互連接的目的。整個居住區域分散在三個樓層上。一樓包括可容納六輛車的車庫、一個酒窖,並可由此進入一個三層樓高的壯觀空間,從這裡的樓梯將各個樓層連接起來。四間臥室、三間衛浴、洗衣房和走廊都位於二樓,另有一個私密的庭院和每間臥室相鄰的陽臺空間。開放式起居、用餐和廚房空間所在的三樓擁有可欣賞蒙格湖(Lake Monger)的全景視野,並連接至設有獨立工作室的露臺和泳池區。在建構這棟活動遮板屋時,血緣室內設計(State of Kin)和建築團隊同時並進,兩邊都明確地聚焦於創造一個光線充足、色彩豐富、材質多元的庇護之地。在整個過程中,顯然都著重於獨特的手工裝潢,例如一樓的手工磨石子,而二、三樓的橡木鑲花地板則突顯了整間房屋內經過仔細考量的色彩運用。清水混凝土天花板和精心挑選的花崗岩、石英岩和石灰華形成堅固卻又華麗的表面,而繽紛的色彩、精緻又活潑的家具和現代抽象藝術作品讓它們顯得更為出色。從活動遮板屋可以看出,設計師透過光線和細節的運用表現出對日本建築的欣賞,並在其中注入世紀中期的設計風格,以向其周圍的建築歷史致敬。

Principal Architect:Ara Salomone.Alessandra French

Contractor:State of Kin Construction

Each Floor Area:BF:184㎡.GF:201㎡.1F:202㎡

Total Floor Area:628㎡

Site Area:525㎡

Principal Materials:Timber.Concrete

Principal Structure:Concrete Block Work.Concrete

Location:Wembley, Wester Australia

Photos:Jack Lovel

Interview:Rowena Liu

Text:Alessandra French.Ara Salomone

Collator:Finn Ho



施工單位:State of Kin Construction









文字:亞歷山德拉.芙蘭 阿拉.所羅門


State of Kin
State of Kin is an interdisciplinary design practice delivering bold and considered pro­jects across the residential and commercial sectors. Our team of architects, interior de­sign­ers and construction professionals bring their diverse expertise to projects of all scales, interpreting the client’s vision through a fine-tuned sensibility for outcomes that set new standards of excellence.

Our work is built on a foundation of research, detail, and expansive thinking. We start by understanding the personal, cultural and geo­graphic context of each project, from which we build a design framework that considers the client, the site features, and the typology of the site surrounds. Close dialogue and collab­oration across our team of experts occurs at the outset and throughout our pro­jects, enabling us to test big ideas early in the process, opening up new possibilities and ensuring smooth execution.

Our architects are driven by a simple ethos: parameters create possibilities. A rigorous process of due diligence and development defines the parameters of each project we undertake, fostering the space to dream, to test experiment­al thinking and to find new ideas. Once our vision is defined and tested, we en­gage with the relevant authorities and navi­gate the planning process, before our projects are brought to life through detailed technical drawings and the work of trusted master builders who translate our concepts.

Our interiors team works in tandem with our architects, both responding to and inspiring project briefs through considered design decisions. We start by envisioning the func­tion and experience of a space, which is then brought to life through materiality, lighting and spatial organisation. From the broad strokes to the fine details, we favour unexpect­ed materials, artisanal quality, and thoughtful curation of furniture, objects and artwork. We want the spaces we create to feel cohesive, liveable, and intentional.

Our construction arm brings decades of know­ledge and experience to each project, providing confident solutions for ambitious design and the polished refinement that sets our work apart. Our expertise spans project management, quantity surveying and site supervision, which we employ alongside our long-standing relationships with skilled, reliable tradespeople, specialists and artisans. With more than 90 years of combined ex­perience behind us, we relish the opportunity to tackle new challenges and expand the capa­city of our craft.

Founded in 2016, State of Kin is a dy­namic team of architects, designers and construction professionals who bring passion and rigour to every project.
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