Ávila, Barcelona, Spain

西班牙巴塞隆納 阿維拉之家

Allaround Lab

Avila is a project that reinterprets what was originally an open-plan warehouse located in the Poble Nou neighborhood of Barcelona to turn it into a 120m² multifunctional and habitable space. The proposal aims to carry out this transformation using what we call "the minimum means to inhabit a place", namely, storage, humid spaces and circulations, considering the entire free volume and not just its surface.


The distributor on the upper floor is proposed as a diagonal, square-shaped void that, despite the simplicity of the whole, allows cross visuals between all the rooms, including the one on the rear facade from the staircase. With the use of continuous materials and light colors, the aim is to obtain a bright, neutral and warm place at the same time, making use of the furniture and integrating it from the beginning of the project. The proposal values the space thanks to its simplicity, the different textures of the materials and the light, leaving aside any excess or ornament and focusing on satisfying the needs of its inhabitants.



Principal Architects:Noelia de la Red.Jordi Ribas
Total Floor Area:120m²
Principal Materials:Wood.Dekton
( floor.countertop of the kitchen)
Location:Barcelona, Spain
Photos:José Hevia
Interview:Grace Hung
Text:Allaround Lab

主要建築師:諾莉亞.德拉瑞德 喬迪.里巴斯

Allaround Lab
Allaround Lab es un estudio joven de arquitectura con sede en Barcelona y Madrid fundado en 2015. Formado por un equipo multidisciplinar y con una clara vocación por la investigación y la docencia, trabajamos en diferentes escalas en los ámbitos de la arquitectura, el interiorismo y el urbanismo, con una mirada transversal a partir de una estrategia sensible a la memoria del lugar y el medio ambiente. Creemos que la poética de una obra es una consecuencia del proceso, no un objetivo. Apostamos por soluciones sencillas para problemas complejos, el compromiso de ir más allá de lo requerido y la sostenibilidad.
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