西班牙阿爾梅里亞 羅克塔斯港魚市場改造

The greenhouses of western Almeria extend to almost touch the sea in the Port of Roquetas. To the east, Cabo de Gata serves as a backdrop to a rich landscape of boats that reminds us of the importance of the sea in the history of this land. One of the goals of the project is to improve the Port-City relationship and for this the first decision is to free the area of old buildings to create new synergies with the city, grouping different uses in a single volume: fish market, restaurant, commercial premises and facilities rooms.
該案位於西班牙阿爾梅里亞的羅克塔斯港,新落成的魚市場便是坐落在擁有豐富船隻往來的加塔角(Cabo de Gata)之上,提醒著人們大海之於這片土地的重要性。該項目的目標之一是改善港口與城市的關係,對此,建築師決定釋放掉舊建築區域,以創造新空間與城市的加乘效應,並將不同機能規劃在同個量體中,包含魚市場、餐廳、商場與設備機房。

For professionals, the fish market is a process, it must be a perfect, modern and functional machine. That is why the first floor is a direct reflection of the work cycle and functional flows, from the arrival of the fish at the dock to its departure on the trucks. The auction room, like a courtyard, is the heart of the building, a double-height space, illuminated on its upper perimeter, around which the rest of the processes circulate. For the visitor, the daily processes become a spectacle. This means that there is a special interest in highlighting products and craft systems such as the unique swordfish quartering, for which the building aims to be very open and receptive to outside gazes but at the same time controlled in its circulations.

At the constructive level, the building presents a triple ascending reading: the ground floor is made of reinforced concrete, very tectonic, industrial and robust. On the post-tensioned slab that covers it, rests the graceful and light upper floor, with metal structure boxes and light slabs. The whole is topped by the curved metal structure that supports the textile envelope - micro-perforated, perforated or filled - that covers the facades and roof. For the city, the new building aims to be a tribute to the world of the sea in the soft curves, tension and texture of its envelope.

Principal Architects:F. Javier López Rivera.Ramón Pico Valimaña
Structural Engineering:Duarte Asociados S.L.
Contractor:Jarquil Construcción S.A.
Character of Space:Fish market
Building Area:1,336 ㎡
Principal Structure:Reinforced concrete.Metal
Location:Roquetas de Mar (Almería), Spain
Photos:Fernando Alda
Text:Estudio Acta
Interview:Grace Hung
主要建築師:F. 哈維爾.洛佩茲.里維拉 拉蒙.皮科.瓦利瑪尼亞
結構工程:Duarte Asociados S.L.
施工單位:Jarquil Construcción S.A.
建築面積:1,336 平方公尺
文字:Estudio Acta