The Arches, London, UK

英國倫敦 拱形排屋

The DHaus Company

The Arches is a set of 6 new terraced town houses set in the Dartmouth Park conservation area in North-West London. The site is just down the road from the famous Grove Terrace. Our initial design idea was inspired by the historic green lung of open green spaces along the Highgate Road. This new green space acts as buffer for the proposed architecture behind, 6 mews houses that appear to be single storey from the Highgate Road, to preserve the clear unbroken green line.


We undertook a study of local buildings in and around the local area. All these buildings show the evolution of Neo-Classical British Architecture emulates the classical Venetian Pallazzo's, Palladian and Inigo Jones’ architectural language. These buildings highlight a strong mixture of rectangles and arches set within a brick canvas that are common within the Dartmouth Park Conservation Area. We used local London stock brick formed in arches to reference the local colours and the railway arches that sit directly to the site. The new houses are positioned only marginally higher than the original petrol station, and this allows light to reach the ground floor windows of neighbouring Denyer House behind.


 拱(The Arches)是一套 6 組構成的新的排屋,位於倫敦西北部的達特茅斯公園保護區。該場地與著名的格羅夫台(Grove Terrace)僅一路之隔。建築師最初的設計理念是受到海格特路沿線開放綠地的啓發。這片新的綠地對後面的擬建建築起到了緩衝作用,從海格特路看,這 6 棟馬廄式房屋似乎是單層的,從街上看,可以保持清晰的不間斷的綠線。


在這個項目中,建築師對當地及周邊地區的建築進行了研究,所有這些建築都以不同的形式展示了英國新古典主義建築的演變,模仿了古典的威尼斯宮殿、帕拉迪奧和伊尼戈-瓊斯的建築語彙。這些建築強調了在達特茅斯公園保護區內常見的磚砌畫布上的矩形和拱門的強烈對比。特別值得注意的是羅馬拱門和底層那鏽跡斑斑的底座。這種歷史紋理的關鍵原則導致建築師將該地區現有的設計屬性提煉為最純粹的形式,即矩形和拱門,作為設計過程中的關鍵。新建物的位置只比原來的加油站略高,這使得日光可以照射到後面相鄰的 Denyer 最下方的窗戶。

The first port of call was to completely remove the 1950s petrol tanks from Old Petrol station on the site safely, removing any contaminated earth then covering this over with new open safe green public space. We used as much timber framed construction as possible. The Planners requested that we dig down into the ground to create a subterranean structure, so the retaining walls are all reinforced concrete, but inside this sits a lightweight prefabricated timber structure was constructed off site then assembled in days. light weight steel cross bracing holds the giant arches in place.


A green roof was installed to harvest rainwater and photovoltaics are installed on the roof to add renewable power to the homes, also creating a habitat for various birds and insects/wildlife. We sourced an Ibstock Bexhill Red Multi brick for the facade work and explored brick bonding patterns to differentiate the different areas of the building and give order to each facade. The Arches themselves were cast in concrete off site under controlled factory conditions rather than traditional arches made from wet construction. These concrete arches were then clad with brick slips.


第一道工序是安全地徹底移除 50 年代的舊汽油罐、清除任何被污染的土壤,然後用新的、開放且安全的綠色公共空間覆蓋建築團隊盡可能多地使用木制框架結構。規劃者要求向地下挖掘,創造一個地下結構,因此擋土牆都是鋼筋混凝土構成,但裡面是輕質的預製木結構,它們在基地外建造,然後在幾天內組裝起來。


此外,該項目亦安裝了一個綠色屋頂來收集雨水,並在上面安裝太陽能板,以增加住宅的可再生電力;它也作為各種鳥類、昆蟲、野生動物的棲息地。團隊為外牆工程採購了 Ibstock Bexhill 紅色多孔磚,並探索了磚的粘合模式以區分建築的不同區域,使每個外牆都有秩序。拱門本身是在受控的工廠條件下現場澆築的混凝土,而不是傳統的濕式施工,接著這些混凝土拱門被磚片包覆。

Each house is around 130 square metre with 3/4 bedrooms and a study and garden room. As the land slopes, the entrance to the units is either flush with pathway or accessed via a stepped entrance. All properties benefit from a front garden that incorporates a private bin storage area, entranceway and lightwell to illuminate the rooms that face onto College Lane at lower ground floor level.


每棟房子的面積約為 130 平方公尺,有 3 至 4 個臥室、一個書房和花房。擬建的住宅有類似的佈局,社區的入口在學院路。由於土地傾斜,單元的入口不是與小路平齊,就是通過一個階梯式的入口進入。所有的房子共享一個前花園,其中包括一個私人垃圾儲存區、入口和採光井,以照亮地面低層面向學院路的房間。

The lower ground level provides a further two bedrooms, two bathrooms and a lightwell to the College Lane facade. The basement level comprises an open plan living / kitchen space and opens out onto the sunken rear garden that looks onto Highgate Road and the newly created grassed area. Because of the stepped nature of the site, this lower level does not feel like a basement and the living spaces enjoy a secluded feel with plenty of access to natural light despite sitting close to the main road.



Principal Architects:David Ben-Grunberg・Daniel Woolfson

Structural Engineering: AMA

Planning Consultant:Washington Young & The Heritage Practice

Glazing Contractor:Vitrocsa by BRAVA WINDOWS

Client:Design Ventures・EFKERIA Ltd

Project Photographer:AVR London・Matthew White・Izzy Scott in collaboration with Richard Chivers

Collator:Yow-Shiuan Chen

主要建築師:大衛・班葛蘭伯 丹尼爾・伍爾夫森


規劃顧問:Washington Young LLP  The Heritage Practice

玻璃工程:Vitrocsa by BRAVA WINDOWS

業主:Design Ventures EFKERIA Ltd

攝影:AVR London 馬修・懷特 伊茲・史考特 理查・奇佛斯


The DHaus Company
DHaus公司是一個實驗性設計和建築實踐。 我們透過將數學公式應用於建築、傢俱和照明進行實驗。 我們的實踐從實驗數學公式以及我們周圍的自然和建築世界中汲取靈感。

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