Residential building in front of Mosque-Cathedral, Córdoba, Spain

西班牙科爾多瓦 清真寺大教堂前住宅樓

Considerably influenced by local urban regulations based on typological preservation, the project develops a reinterpretation of them by the concept of massive facades and open and well‐lit interiors around courtyards, where general circulations take place. Furthermore, the project also performs this regulation as the desire to evoke familiar scenes of our culture: the open foyer as a transition between public and private space; the contrast between the controlled and calm courtyard atmosphere ‐characterized by the presence of water and vegetation‐ and the massive facades with vertical windows; or a specific materiality that comes from the use of traditional construction systems. Therefore, one of the main goals was to turn this architecture into a contemporary language, while creating a continuity relation ‐without nostalgia‐ between the values and memories that comes from it and which we associate with our common heritage.


From the monumental side of the city, the building appears as a massive volume, a continuous shape that is modulated by adjusting the scale of each facade. The windows facing the river are larger in consonance with the riverside landscape and the views of the monumental complex, while the size of those towards the residential neighbourhood are smaller, creating a certain connection with it. The complex is organized around a warm and quiet courtyard, with plants and water, a traditional system for bioclimatic and environmental control.


An ornamental railing with almost textile appearance is a reminiscent of popular culture images and botanical motifs. Traditional pebble and stone floors, lime mortar, wood, water and plants complete the materiality of the courtyard, harmonized to produce a pleasant atmosphere, familiar and strange at the same time. A tension between tradition and contemporaneity that finally connects all the decisions of the project.




Principal Architects:Ignacio Laguillo + Paco Marqués.Harald Schönegger

Colaborators Architects:Blanca Farrerons, Francisco Moreno, Ignacio Olivares, Alvaro Valverde

Structural Engineering:Enrique Cabrera (Tedeco Ingenieros)

Landscape:Jaime García

Interior Design:Rosario Moreno-Torres

Client:Construcciones Serrot, S.A.

Building Area:1,275 m2

Site Area:536 m2

Principal Materials:Lime Mortar. Stone.Pebble Floor.Porcelanic.Wood. Aluminium.Old tradicional roof tiles

Principal Structure: Reinforded Concrete

Location: Córdoba , Spain

Photos: Fernando Alda

Text:Laguillo Arquitectos + Cayuela-Marqués Arquitectos

Collator:Yang-Xuan Jiang


主要建築師: Ignacio Laguillo + Paco Marqués.Harald Schönegger

合作建築師:Blanca Farrerons、Francisco Moreno、Ignacio Olivares、Alvaro Valverde

結構工程: Enrique Cabrera (Tedeco Ingenieros)


室內設計:羅薩里奧 莫雷諾.托雷斯

業主:Construcciones Serrot, S.A.

建築面積: 1,275 平方公尺

基地面積: 536 平方公尺

主要建材:石灰砂漿 .石材.卵石地板.瓷器.木.鋁.屋頂瓦片

主體結構: 鋼筋混凝土



文字:Laguillo Arquitectos + Cayuela-Marqués Arquitectos


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