伊朗德馬萬德莫沙 斜角別墅

Dasht villa 40 is an experience to reach an external-internal life in a cold climate. It is about how to stay out of the building and experience snow and rain but still remain in a safe zone. And how to be inside without losing sensory, visual and psychological connection with the outside. And also how to blur the boundary line between inside and outside to reach a greater freedom.
At the beginning of the design, due to the extension of the ground in the north-south direction (with length of 50 and width of 20 meters), we decided to place the building in the same direction of ground and closer to the north border, in order to benefit the beautiful view of the north. Then, by making a diagonal cut along the building, we brought the north view to the heart of the building, and in addition, an outdoor roof was created toward the yard that would allow the physical presence of humans during snow, rain and also let them use the midday heat (while being protected from direct sunlight). By the way, residents are not limited to the inside of the building and they can use a larger part of the yard in cold seasons. In the southern part of the building, by creating a glass chamber with a thick stone wall behind (Trombe wall) and some openings at its top and bottom), the thermal energy radiated during the day can be stored and used to heat the building at night.
In the end, by avoiding flattening or stepping the site (common solution for the sloping lands), the horizontal and vertical access routes became ramps to provide more smooth and comfortable movements throughout the building and enhance the feeling of freedom.
Dasht villa 40 展示了一種在寒冷氣候中與外部—內部互動的體驗。它揭開離開室內徜徉在雪中和雨裡,但仍然保持在安全區域的嶄新體驗。此外,它也探討了如何在待在室內的同時不失去與外界的感官、視覺和心理聯繫,並研究如何模糊建築內外的界限以達到更大的自由度。
在設計之初,由於地勢向南北延伸(長 50 公尺,寬 20 公尺),建築師決定將建築設計在與基地相同的走向且更靠近北方邊界,以利於捕捉北方的美景。接著,通過沿著建築物進行對角線切割,建築師將北方的景色引入建築物的中心,並在面向庭院處創建了一個室外屋頂。這可以讓人們在下雪、下雨時待在戶外而不用擔心被淋濕,也讓他們在正午時分感受太陽的溫暖(同時避免陽光直射)。 順帶一提,住戶的活動空間不僅限於建築物內部,他們也可以在寒冷的季節使用院子中的大空間。在建築物的南部,通過打造一個玻璃室,後面有厚厚的石牆(集熱牆)、位於頂部及底部的開口儲存來自日照的熱能,在夜晚釋放。

Principal Architects:Hamid Abbasloo.Abbas Yaghooti.Neda Adiban Rad
Structural Engineering:Majid Koolivand
Contractor:35-51 ARCHITECTURE Office
Character of Space:villa
Client:Omid Torabi
Each Floor Area:
- Gr:96㎡
- 1st:93㎡
- 2nd:185㎡
Total Floor Area:395㎡
Building Area:548㎡
Site Area:1000㎡
Principal Materials:cement board
Principal Structure:steel structure
Location:Mosha, Damavand, Iran
Photos:arash akhtaran
Text:35-51 ARCHITECTURE Office
Collator:Yang-Xuan, Jiang
主要建築師:Hamid Abbasloo.Abbas Yaghooti.Neda Adiban Rad
結構工程:Majid Koolivand
施工單位:35-51 建築師事務所
業主:Omid Torabi
- 地面層 96 平方公尺
- 一層 93 平方公尺
- 二層 185 平方公尺
空間面積:395 平方公尺
建築面積:548 平方公尺
基地面積:1000 平方公尺
影像:arash akhtaran
文字:35-51 建築師事務所