西班牙加利西亞自治區 拉謝之家

"Memories are like plants: some of them must be quickly eliminated in order to help the rest develop, transform, flourish."
— Marc Augé. Las formas del olvido. Pág. 23. Gedisa. 1998
The house is located in a 46 meters long parcel, with a width that goes from 7 to 9 meters. The natural ground rises from the East to the West and it has two buildings that sectorize and qualify the outdoor spaces left.
The main building is set back from the street and it is arranged in two floors. The ground floor is the older one, built more tan 150 years ago and presenting 75 cm width stone load-bearing walls. Very altered, this is where the living room and the kitchen can be found. The top floor, where the bedrooms are located, comes from a later intervention. This building is fully adapted to the topography, which results in a 36 cm jump on the middle of the ground floor.
此案坐落於一塊長 46 米,寬 7 至 9 米不等的地上, 地面從東向西微微傾斜。它共有兩棟建築,共同劃分了室外空間。
主建築背向街道且分為兩層樓。底層較舊,建於 150 年前或更早,擁有一面 75 公分寬的石頭承重墻,客廳和廚房都在這一層。臥室位於頂樓,是後來加建的。這棟建築貼近傾斜的地面,導致一樓有 36 公分的高低差。

Clients stated their priorities from the beggining: to preserve and value the existing building. The project adapts to those limits while growing, for the house expands upwards by locating two bedrooms in the first floor and another one in the attic. In order to fit the third bedroom,the bathroom height is reduced to 2.20 m, resulting in bigger volume bedrooms.
Vertical movement is resolved by single-flight stairs and in the first floor there’s a big 5 meter long desk attached to it. The attic never reaches the facade, letting light through and generating a big conection space through the bedroom’s antechambers. At the end of the path there is a net, intended for reading while watching the sky through the roof’s perforation.
業主事先聲明瞭他們的要求:保護且珍視現有建築。此案在進行時謹遵這兩條限制,通過兩間在二樓的臥室和一間在閣樓的臥室向上拓展。建第三間臥室時,為了有足夠大的空間,二樓浴室的高度被降低到了 2.2 米。
業主們通過單向式樓梯來進行上下的移動,經過二樓會看見一張 5 米長的大桌子用作分割區域。閣樓通過光線在臥室前廳產生了一個互動空間。路的盡頭佈有一張網,讓業主在上面閱讀的同時也可通過屋頂的天窗觀賞天空。

There is a shared space with the adjoining house at the back of the dwelling(the eira). At the end of it, there can be found a storage space(the alpendre). Lastly, there’s a vegetable garden with a lemon and an orange tree at the foot of the hórreo, evoking its past. It is conected with the main road through a right of way.
The alpendre, situated in the backyard, is cleaned and improved by building a wooden lattice facade. The big front is composed by two similar sized parts: the fixed one, where the access door is located, and the movable one, which runs over the fixed one and opens up the space. Inside it you can find the celebration space, the laundry room, a bathroom and a storage space.
The intervention creates and habitable ground floor, composed by the main building’s ground floor, the eira and the alpendre. Accessibility is resolved by the entrance patio, where there can be found a quick access through an staircase and a ramp, both of which define a space that can be used for parking.
建築後面有一個與隔壁鄰居共用的空間 —— eira,它的盡頭有一個儲物間 —— alpendre。在 hórreo(伊比利亞半島西北部典型糧倉)邊,有一個種了檸檬樹和橘子樹的菜園,它與主要道路是相連的。
位於後院的 alpendre 被用木格柵翻新。正面由兩組大小相似的木格柵組成:固定的一半是門所在的位子;另一半是滑動式的,可以更大地敞開空間。這裡可用作歡慶空間、洗衣房、浴室和儲物空間。
主建築的底層、eira 和 alpendre 共同組成了一個宜居的環境。大門入口設有無障礙通道,通過樓梯和坡道可以快速進入建築內。樓梯和坡道間還有一個可用於停車的空間。

Principal Architects:Alberte Pérez · Enrique Iglesias · Carlos Mosquera
Structural Engineering:Carolo Losada
Contractor:Laixa Reformas · Tak Estructuras
Character of Space:Private house
Client:Raquel Iglesias · Raúl Galego
Building Area:164 m²
Site Area:348 m²
Principal Materials:Stone · brick · wood
Principal Structure:wood
Location:Laxe, Culleredo, A Coruña, Galiza, Spain
Cost:€ 156,520
Photos:Iván Casal Nieto
Collator:Yit-Ming Liang
主要建築師:阿爾貝特 · 佩雷斯 恩里克 · 伊格萊西亞斯 卡洛斯 · 莫斯克拉
結構工程:卡羅爾 · 洛薩達
施工單位:Laixa Reformas · Tak Estructuras
戶主:拉奎爾 · 伊格萊西亞斯 勞爾 · 加萊戈
建築面積:164 平方公尺
基地面積:348 平方公尺
主要建材:石材 · 磚材 · 木材
工程造價:約 520 萬新台幣
攝影:伊万 · 卡薩爾 · 涅托