Ørsted Gardens, Frederiksberg, Copenhagen

丹麥哥本哈根 Ørsted 花園住宅

Tegnestuen LOKAL

Ørsted Gardens transforms a dilapidated building that was often referred to as among the ugliest in its neighborhood. The original building (and many similar to it) was erected in the ’60s at the height of a fascination with rationality, industrial processes, and efficiency in the Danish building industry.


出自 Tegnestuen LOKAL 建築師事務所之手的 Ørsted 花園住宅改造自一座建於60年代的破舊建築,那個年代正值丹麥建築業迷戀合理性、工業流程與效率的高峰期。

The radical transformation grew out of an ordinary façade renovation, aimed to prevent water from damaging the concrete balconies, into a drastic alteration of the building’s semi-private spaces and a radical reinvention of the façade facing the heavily trafficked street. Instead of just patching up the open balconies with similarly sleek glass panes, Ørsted Gardens aims to create a new social space to bolster the social coherence in the building. To create that social space, a series of triangular glass bays were added to the architecture, creating semi-private decks for the individual residents.


對舊建築的徹底改造包括:將普通外牆翻新,防止水對混凝土陽台造成損壞、將住宅轉為半私人空間、將面向交通繁忙街道的立面換上新風貌。 Ørsted 花園旨在創造新的社交空間,加強社會凝聚力,因此在建築中使用一系列三角型玻璃隔間,為各住戶創造了半私人露臺。

The private balconies are placed on the outside of the access way, which creates a space that is at the same time private and shared, encouraging random meetings between residents. The extension adds a second and more exposed outdoor alternative to the balcony on the opposite façade and operable glass panes can either shield the space or leave it completely open. This extends the usage of the balconies from just the summer months to also include spring and fall. The new façade shelters the apartments from the heavy traffic noise, and it has transformed the way residents live in the building. Front doors are now open and kids roam the new space, visiting neighbors creating a lively urban space on the side of the building rather than the bleak access way that was there before. A central aspect of the renovation is the notion that the building should contribute positively to the experience of the street. The monotonous façade of the past is broken up into smaller geometric entities creating a sense of rhythm as you pass the building signaling a residential building, comprised of many families and individuals. The balconies shift story by story further enhancing the sense of rhythm towards the street and effectively creating 50 small gardens. The gardens span from inside to outside blending the interior with the exterior and offering each resident their own small patch of green to grow plants, vegetables, or whatever they feel like.



Principal Architects:Morten Bang‧Christopher Carlsen

Structural Engineering:Henneby Nielsen, COWI

Contractor:Amstrup & Baggesen

Character of Space:Façade Transformation

Client:872 E/F H.C. Ørstedsvej 25-27, Salling Group

Principal Materials:Steel‧glass‧wood

Principal Structure:Steel

Location:Frederiksberg, Copenhagen

Photos:Hampus Berndtson

Text:Tegnestuen LOKAL

Collator:Raffa Chen

主要建築師:莫騰‧邦 克里斯多夫‧卡爾森

結構工程:Henneby Nielsen, COWI

施工單位:Amstrup & Baggesen


客戶:872 E/F H.C. Ørstedsvej 25-27 Salling Group



座落位置:哥本哈根 腓特烈斯貝


文字:Tegnestuen LOKAL


Tegnestuen LOKAL
Tegnestuen LOKAL 是 2015 年的 prisvindende tegnestue stiftet。
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